Sunday, August 15, 2021

Since Obama bash Matha's Vineyard has most COVID cases since April

The bad news: since Barack Obama's birthday bash, the town of Martha's Vineyard has seen more coronavirus cases since April. The good news: Obama is a Democrat so nobody cares nor will the legacy media report on it, therefore it's no big deal.

Obama's party had to be reduced from over 500 "friends" to a little less due to concerns over COVID-19. In fact, the Obama party was so concerned and preoccupied about the virus, that the guests "forgot" to wear masks. But never one to encourage bad behavior in others, Obama ordered his guests to not post photos of the party because it might send the message that masks are only for the "non sophisticated" peons who don't have the same freedoms and his special guests, many of whom flew in on their private carbon-belching jets [think John Kerry] to celebrate the birth of a man who divided our nation by skin color and political party.

The birdcage liner known as The New York Times called the event safe, certainly not a super spreader due to its "sophisticated, vaccinated" crowd. 

Writer Caleb Howe posted this:
The hundreds of maskless people at Obama’s birthday party don’t have to worry about covid because they are a “sophisticated, vaccinated,” crowd per @cnn expert. I’m so glad covid can tell if a crowd is sophisticated.
So, as long as you are part of the sophisticated crowd, "experts" believe you don't need to give up your freedom to the government. And the "sophisticated crowd" includes all Left-wing demonstrators, Democratic governors and mayors, antifa rioters, BLM Marxists, and the cowardly Texas Democrats who fled the state. 

Somehow the virus is progressive enough to lay off those people so they can go about their business or attend Obama's 60th birthday party. Unfortunately, Pope Fauci couldn't make it, I believe.

But the "experts" who saw no problem with the gathering, didn't count on the Martha's Vineyard encountering the largest spike in infections in four months, with 74 positive test results in the week since Obama boogied. 

The media remains silent.

Meanwhile, the media is going after Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida claiming that he is killing people, in spite of the FACT that Florida, the second oldest state in the nation, comes in 26 in the country for deaths per capita while New Jersey and New York, Democratic-run states, come in 1st and 2nd respectively according to Statista.

In truth, based on what we know of the vaccine, Obama's party should be of no concern as the attendees were all vaccinated. But it's the blatant hypocrisy that should concern us and the fact that the Biden-Harris-Fauci-Obama-Jarrett-AOC administration would have us be masked up for eternity if we allow it.

Screw you all--we don't trust you and we shouldn't. You don't know what you're doing other than trying to grab more and more power over us and we've had enough of your nonsense.

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