Monday, August 9, 2021

Antifa disrupts Christian worship, Proud Boys clash with them, police 'sit on their hands' and watch

Headgear by G. Soros and Co.

 Portland, OR -- A crowd of Marxist Antifa scumcrumpets violently shut down a Christian prayer even on the waterfront prior to another kerfuffle between them and alleged Proud Boys members. The groups threw projectiles at each other and called each other bad names.

Police on the sidelines decided the best way to handle the fighting was to watch and later decide who won, as the city's social workers shouted at the frenzy, "Use your words; use your words!"

One social worker, who asked to remain anonymous due to his fear of being doxxed, said that he attempted to break up a pair of fighters by telling them they needed a 'time out.' Neither fighter stopped fighting but the social worker felt he at least tried, and as far as he was concerned, they stopped fighting in their hearts.

The first brew ha ha started Saturday at an open-air event planned at Tom McCall Waterfront Park near the Battleship Oregon Memorial. Artur Pallowski, a preacher who had been arrested in Canada for defying coronavirus restrictions [that only apply to sophisticated Democrats and Barack Obama] hosted the event. 

Several Marxist Twitter accounts that call themselves Antifa, tweeted about the event, ostensibly to alert fellow scumbags to prepare for battle. Videos posted online showed them dressed in black as they showed up for the fight.

Andy Ngo video recorded some of the event. You can see some of the video he shot and judge what happened for yourself.

Dozens of people carrying black umbrellas and shields are seen spraying red and yellow gas at the group of worshippers, as other Antifa members steal sound equipment, lawn chairs and wagons left across the lawn by families who had come to listen to the pastor speak. 

Meanwhile, the police did nothing.

"All Cops are B*******, in the name of Jesus," a dude’s voice is heard saying during the melee. Most likely this person was an antifa-level intellectual, based on his ability to speak a coherent sentence. 

Children and toddlers along with parents were at the worship event when antifa Marxists began hurling things at them.

A videographer said that antifa threw eggs and "[T]hey threw a flash bomb [probably meant a flash bang] into a group of kids who were out there."

A male worshipper said one of the pastors walked up to ask the group of demonstrators to stop -- but he was pepper sprayed. 

The cops watched.

The Portland Tribune reported that members of the Proud Boys, eventually descended on the worship event and clashed with the Antifa members. Additional video circulated online by independent journalist Andy Ngo shows the clashes carried onto a nearby city street, and the alleged Proud Boys members, seen dressed in yellow and black garb, fired a paint ball gun at several Antifa members.

It was a fun time for all . . . except the toddlers and kids and anyone who was injured.

A Portland Police Bureau cruiser pulled up at the scuffle and flashed its siren, which scared other police officers who weren't ready for it as fighters couldn't care less about the noise, One guy yelled at the officer behind the wheel, "Do your job," but got the same results from the cop as the siren got from the scufflers.

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