Monday, August 9, 2021

Taliban taking over: captures 3rd capital in 3 days

More people were dying in Chicago from gunshot wounds than were dying in Afghanistan before Biden decided to un-Trump the nation. This is not to say that it's okay for Americans to die there, but soldiers know the risk and are willing to take it. 

But now that we're gone, the Taliban has seized a third provincial capital in as many days and they continue to make aggressive, significant gains as we withdrew.

Taliban insurgents seized the city of Kunduz in Northern Afghanistan on Sunday. It's the third capital to fall to the Taliban in just three days and they win the gold medal in terrorism and scumbaggery. They began their military aggression in May and have been quite successful.

Losing Kunduz is a serious military blow to the Afghans as it has made significant political and military contributions in the war effort.

Yesterday, Sar-e-Pul almost fell to the terrorist group while they succeeded in taking Sheberghan and Zaranj, capital cities in the northern and eastern provinces.

"Taliban are walking in the streets of the city. Local residents are terrified," said Sayed Asadullah Danish, a member of the Sar-e-Pul provincial council. They have every right to be terrified--they stand a good chance of being killed by the bloodthirsty radicals.

Both Presidents Trump and Biden made an error in judgment, I believe, in calling for us to leave the Afghans to fend for themselves. 

In April, Biden pushed back Trump's deadline from May to Sept. 11 as the withdrawal began in May and by the start of July, Afghanistan went to hell in a hand-basket as the situation quickly deteriorated: On July 9th, the Pentagon detailed "concerning advancement" by the Taliban in the wake of the withdrawal.

Two weeks later, the Pentagon said the withdrawal was about 95% completed while admitting the Taliban appeared to have "strategic momentum."

Last week, Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani blamed the United States’ "sudden" decision to withdraw its troops for the rapid collapse of security in the country. 

Biden was un-Trumping as usual.

If the Taliban continues to make military gains like they have been doing, Afghanistan is going to fall, and that would be a damn shame after all the blood and treasure we've sunk into it.

To better understand the mindset of the Afghans in the military, I recommend you read, "Lions of Kandahar," by Major Rusty Bradley. Then you might come to respect the Afghan people who have fought and many have died, for their homeland against a crazy radical group that hopes to bring them and the rest of the world back to the Seventh Century.

And right now, it's the women and Afghan children who are the most affected and bear the brunt of the violence forced upon them.

It's only going to be a matter of time before all of our allies distrust us.

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