Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Biden sees 'systemic racism' as a "stain on our nation" but doesn't define it

What is systemic racism?  What system of government can you point out that has a system within it that favors one race over another?

How about affirmative action? 

The quota system favors minorities and provides them with an unfair advantage in education and employment over white people and Asians. The best example of recent times is the Harvard scandal that favors Blacks and other minorities over Asians in their admission standards. The quota system has also been an integral part of hiring in corporate jobs, particularly in government.

But if systemic racism (not individual racism because there are idiots in all nations) can be shown in our society, a system of racism that is not in direct conflict with our laws, I would like to see it. And if you see it and can point it out, tell President Biden and the "Party of the Donkey" because they talk about it all the time and don't explain what it is.

Co-President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. disrespected the nation during a speech he muttered following the verdict in the George Floyd case on Monday, saying that “systemic racism” was a “stain” on America’s “soul.”

That is a disgusting lie.

“Today, a jury in Minnesota found former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty on all counts in the murder of George Floyd last May,” Biden mush-mouthed. “It was a murder in full light of day and it ripped the blinders was off for the whole world to see the systemic racism the vice president [Co-President Kamala Hahaharris] just referred to. There’s systemic racism that’s a stain on our nation’s soul.”

The only stain he should worry about is the one in his Joe Boxer briefs.

“The knee on the neck of justice for black Americans, the found fear and trauma, the pain, the exhaustion that black and brown Americans experience every single day,” he continued, making reference to Derek Chauvin's knee that was not on the neck of the drug- addled Floyd.

“The murder George Floyd, launched a summer of protests we hadn’t seen since the Civil Rights Era in the 60s, protests that unified people of every race and generation in peace and with purpose, to say enough, enough, enough of the senseless killings. Today, today’s verdict is a step forward. I just spoke with the governor of Minnesota who thanked me for the close work with his team.”

“I also spoke with George Floyd’s family again, a remarkable family of extraordinary courage,” Biden added, in spite of the fact that Floyd had little contact with them of late.

“Nothing can ever bring their brother, their father back," Biden said, confident that he was correct for a change. "But this can be a giant step forward in the march toward justice in America. Let’s also be clear," he added ironically, "as such a verdict is also much too rare. For so many people, it seems like it took a unique and extraordinary convergence of factors, a brave young woman with a smartphone camera, a crowd that was traumatized, traumatized witnesses, a murder that lasts almost 10 minutes in broad daylight for the whole world to see.”

Actually, it was the crowd of angry onlookers shouting at the cops that may have been a factor in Chauvin keeping Floyd pinned down on the ground as he had to keep his attention focused on the possible danger that might erupt.

The death of George Floyd was a tragedy and Chauvin was to blame, at least in part, for his death. But to find him guilty on all three counts seems wrong, but it's easy to say when you're not in the jury box. 

However, there's no doubt in my mind that Biden and Maxine Waters were influential in the outcome and at the very least, Waters should be admonished or expelled from Congress.

The jury should have been sequestered at the very outset and the case should have been heard in a different location--that's a no-brainer.

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