Monday, March 1, 2021

AOC says robot dog is racist--but then again, so is she

Racist Robot Dog

Rep. and Ridiculous Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent (D-NY) attacked the NYPD's $75K robotic dog named Digidog. "Who's a good robot? Who's a good robot?" 

One would have to be a complete idiot to attack an inanimate object and attribute human feelings to it rather than attributing feelings to those who use it or created it. But when it comes to idiocy and the myriad idiots on the far-left, AOC is their spokes-idiot.

The Latina bombshell from da Bronx [actually, she moved from the Bronx when she was five to the tony neighborhood just north of that area known as Parkchester] used her racist slur against sweet Digidog because he was being used to prowl an area of the Bronx where a home invasion occurred. But if the NYPD sent Digidog prowling a safe neighborhood they would then be accused of wasting the $75,000 the robotic dog fetched and the left could then demand defunding the police.

Occasionally-Coherent went on Twitter Thursday (where Republican Presidents dare not tread, or at least get removed for being conservative) and tweeted her little Marxist heart out. She blasted the cops for using the robot dog in neighborhoods where the crime is high and the melanin is low. 

"Shout out to everyone who fought against community advocates who demanded these resources go to investments like school counseling instead,' she wrote, in spite of the fact that her party refuses to open the schools in the first place.

"Now robotic surveillance ground drones are being deployed for testing on low-income communities of color with under-resourced schools."

AOC apparently doesn't know the difference between a robot dog and a drone, but she is an expert at droning on and on about a world filled with racists.

The "economics expert" called for police funding for new technology would be better served if used to provide programs for education or housing, especially for lower socio-economic folks and the unskilled who are out of work due to Covid. 

"Please ask yourself: when was the last time you saw next-generation, world class technology for education, healthcare, housing, etc consistently prioritized for underserved communities like this?' she added in a follow-up tweet.

Digidog, which was designed by Boston Dynamics and has a starting price of around $75,000, joined the NYPD last year. It was given a test run in the Bronx on Tuesday

The blue and black rover, which weighs about 70 pounds, is equipped with lights, two-way communication, and video cameras, the department said. It does not contain any weaponry that can be found in Obama-era and current day drones. Digdog has a similar personality as a bomb-removal robot and was not designed to be racist but instead designed to be used in high-crime areas. 

Everything isn't about race and LGBTQ issues, except Netflix, the legacy media, and the Democratic Party.

AOC asks permission to go to the bathroom

In the Bronx incident that ignorant congresswoman complained about, two men were being held hostage in an apartment. They were threatened at gunpoint, tied up and tortured for hours by two men pretending to be plumbers in order to gain access to the apartment.

One victim was able to escape and called police who then deployed trusty Digidog. The robot then assisted the cops, using its video camera, to determine whether the perpetrators were still in the house. Had they been there and a police officer was used instead of the robot, the officer's life would be at great risk.

The cops said the two men stole a cellphone and $2,000 in cash and used a hot iron to burn one of the victims. They were still searching for the scumcrumpets as of this posting.

Digidog was also previously deployed in Brooklyn in October to help find a gunman hiding in a basement, and was also used in a hostage situation in Queens the following month. In both of those cases, the melanin levels of the neighborhood were not taken nor did police give a rat's patootie what color the perps were.

If robots, be they dogs, camera drones, bomb-removers or whatever, can be used to protect lives, that's a good thing, not a racist thing.

AOC is as quick to condemn things as she is to get a COVID-19 vaccine before the most vulnerable get theirs.

One last thing, anyone or any group that condemns people for their immutable skin color or throws around the "r" word all the time, well, aren't these people are the real racists?

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