Monday, January 4, 2021

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver concludes prayer with a display of his woke cluelessness

A Democrat in Congress on Sunday showed us how stupid, albeit woke, he is. In his opening prayer for the 117th Congress, he concluded with the phrase, "Amen and Awoman," proving his lack of knowledge regarding the words that come out of his mouth.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D) led the opening prayer. He is also a pastor at St. James United Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, which should be a cause for embarrassment to anyone attending his church.

Cleaver's prayer to “The God known by many names and faith,” concluded with, “Amen and Awomen,” obviously, and ignorantly, ascribing gender to the traditional “Amen” conclusion of a prayer.

The word Amen comes from the Greek and Hebrew and is used by Christians and Jews in prayer. 

Amen means “truly” or “it is so” and has nothing to do with gender. It isn't a man, or men, but is more like, "Yep, that's the truth." Any pastor should know that, and if he or she actually did but used it in a gendered way, should be ashamed to call him- or herself a pastor, much less a Christian or Jew.

Reverend Rep. Cleaver also shared a video of his prayer on social media which, due to his lack of knowledge, did not embarrass him.
I was honored to deliver the opening prayer for the 117th Congress. May God bless each and every Representative with the courage and wisdom to defend our democracy and the liberties we all hold so dearly.

— Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (@repcleaver) January 3, 2021
Seriously, the guy is a dummy, and some ridiculed him on social media:
.How dumb are these people?
They think ”amen” is a gendered word.
“Amen and Awomen."
— Breanna Morello 🇺🇸 (@breannamorello) January 3, 2021

 ComedianLarry the Cable guy weighed in on the blatant stupidity.

Congress today did a prayer and finished it with “amen” AND “a woman” to be gender equal. Are they really that dumb. Amen is Latin/Hebrew for “Truly” or “So be it”? It has nothing to do with Gender. These people are complete idiots. Ex: “God is great.” “Amen” (truly) duh!

— Larry The Cable Guy (@GitRDoneLarry) January 3, 2021
The Democrats are losing their collective mind over wokeness to the point where we may need to start changing or adding words:
menstruation becomes womenstruation
meningitis becomes womangitis 
menses becomes womanses
manual labor becomes womanual labor
manuscript becomes womanuscript
Manhattan becomes Womanhattan
It makes just as much sense to make these changes as to what Cleaver did with the word Amen.

Seriously, liberalism is a mental disorder.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny, no joke. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon, check out the ads and give them a good, hard clicking.

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