Tuesday, October 6, 2020

POTUS Pulls Plug on Pelosi on stalled COVID-19 talks

"How, Senator Warren"

One thing you have to say about President Trump, he takes no balderdash [as in crap] from the left or anyone else for that matter. The President announced Tuesday that he has put the kibosh on negotiating with the Democrats for another round of federal coronavirus aid.

Trump, as is his wont, tweeted  that Speaker Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi "is not negotiating in good faith" and is seeking too much money.

Well, there's a big surprise.

Trump tweeted out that he is  “rejecting” a request for a $2.4 trillion package, which is tons more money than the $1.6 trillion offer from Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. 

[Fun Fact : The difference between the two figures is $800 billion and the  difference between the two figures in one dollar bills weighs a lot more than a ton.]

Trump said he plans to pass a “major stimulus bill” after he wins a second term “that focuses on hardworking Americans and small businesses.” That is what is known in television land as a "tease."

Mnuchin and Pelosi, a loose-denture California Democrat, have made little progress toward a deal on new federal aid mainly due to her incessant insistence of putting socialist pork in the bill.

Trump’s announcement means there won’t be a new round of stimulus checks or more money for schools, day care and coronavirus-related health costs between now and next year, and while you can blame Trump for that, the real blame lands squarely on Pelosi's round shoulders. She simply wants to avoid passing a bill with Trump's signature on it because her only goal in the twilight of her enriched life is for Trump to fail, even if it comes at the expense of Six Pack Sam. 

But what does she care? She still stocks her $22,000 fridge with designer ice cream and rubs it in your face.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

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