Wednesday, October 7, 2020

New Zealand PM vows to save the planet by phasing-out coal-fired boilers and stuff

Ardern makes white supremacy sign

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern spoke in her barely discernible accent on Hump Day and and said the government would phase out coal-fired boilers and reduce carbon emissions from public buses if only they would vote for her on October 17th.

New Zealand's carbon footprint on the planet is about the same as a sparrow fart on a windy beach in Aruba. But hey, they see themselves as relevant to global warming like the Nobel Peace Prize saw Al Gore to the same.

Ardern, who, in addition, is the leader of the Labour Party, said her government would introduce laws to prevent installation of new boilers and replace existing ones with electric alternatives to reduce emissions. She would also mandate masks, blue masks, to be worn both in- and outdoors by people over the age of 2 and can only be taken off at bedtime.

The government will also create a NZ$50 million ($32.9 million) fund to help local councils buy zero emissions buses by 2025. The buses will be capable of speeds not exceeding 17 mph in order to save lives in crashes with other vehicles and livestock.

“Over the last three years we have put in place the foundations to reach our 2050 climate obligations,” the prime minister bloviated. “But there is more to do.”

She plans to make it illegal to use gasoline powered lawnmowers and generators. And all homes will be required to use solar panels for power and heating, and all nuclear power generating plants are to be phased out.

She said the latest initiatives to address climate change concerns are build on plans put in place during her first term and thus far, New Zealand, under her stewardship, has already reduced the atmospheric temperature in the country by 0.0000001 degree C, and by 2050 hopes to have it be reduced by twice that number [for you math buffs, that number is 0.0000002, or the equivalent of two sparrow farts over a beach in Aruba.]

“During our first term in government, climate change was at the centre of all our policy work and commitments. It is inextricably linked to our decisions on issues like housing, agriculture, waste, energy and transport,” Ardern said.

It is also inextricably linked to socialism and governmental power plays.

Climate change is a key issue in the New Zealand election, which according to a string of opinion polls, Ardern’s Labour Party was largely expected to win.

Proud of being one of the most pristine and beautiful countries in the world, New Zealand introduced climate change curriculum in its schools last month.

Parliament passed a zero carbon bill last year and there are other measure in the pipeline to limit the impact of climate change.

The big question on everybody's mind is: was there ever an Old Zealand?

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