Sunday, October 11, 2020

Biden says voters "don't deserve to know if I'm going to pack the Supreme Court"

"Pull my finger"

Old Joe Biden the Democratic presidential nominee, refuses to say whether or not he plans to pack the Supreme Court if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed. It's akin to the kids you may have played with as a child, who made the rules up as the game evolved. 

Of course, Biden has to win the presidential election first before he can cram the court with leftists, and while the media would have us believe that he's a shoo-in, never count Trump out. In fact, I believe Trump is going to win. 

But Biden will not say what he would do if he became the next president, which would soon to be followed by Kamala Harris as Biden's ten remaining brain cells are slowly morphing into a gelatinous goo. 

He mush-mouthed to a local news reporter last Friday afternoon.

“Sir, I’ve got to ask you about packing the courts and I know you said yesterday you aren’t going to answer the question until after the election, but this is the number one thing that I’ve been asking about from viewers in the past couple of days,” the reporter said to Biden.

“Well, you’ve been asked by the viewers who are probably Republicans who don’t want me continuing to talk about what they’re doing to the court right now,” Biden stupidly responded as he failed to acknowledge what his plans would be if elected. It isn't only about Republicans having the right to know; it's Democrats who have the right to decide if they want to vote for this moron based on what he plans to do.

“Well sir, don’t the voters deserve to know—” the reporter pressed.

“No, they don’t,” the apparently demented candidate said. He might as well called American voters a "basket of deplorables," to echo what that woman said who lost the last election to President Trump.

Court packing is a dirty tactic in which one Party [aka Democrats] packs the court with political ideological operatives who will go along with the Party's wishes. Recent polling has found that only 34 percent of Americans support court packing, which is why Biden and Harris don't want to say what they would do.

“You’ll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over,” Biden recently told reporters. “Now look, I know it’s a great question and I don’t blame you for asking, but you know the moment I answer that question, the headline in every one of your papers will be about that other than focusing on what’s happening now.”

New York Times reporter Alexander Burns admitted during a podcast episode this week that Kamala Harris told him last year. in that nasally voice of hers, that she was “absolutely open” to packing the Supreme Court.

Because if you can't win fairly, change the game book.

“Senator Harris told me in an interview, actually, that she was absolutely open to doing that,” Burns said.

Yesterday, Harris said on the issue, “The voters need to first decide who’s the next President of the United States. Period.”

Actually, the voters need to know who they're voting for and what they plan to do. This is a Nancy Pelosi ploy of "You have to vote for the bill [ACA] so you can know what's in it].

The truth is, Biden and Harris know that if they reveal their plan regarding the SCOTUS, they will either alienate the hard left who wants them to pack the court, or liberals, who are not in favor of packing the court. They are trying to have it both ways and, unfortunately, Democrats would rather vote against Trump because they vote with their emotions, than vote against these Democrat clowns who will drag the nation down.

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