Saturday, October 10, 2020

Louisiana archbishop orders alter removed and burned after "demonic" sex act

New Orleans -- A priest allegedly participated in a sex act with two women on the altar of a church. The archbishop of New Orleans called the defiling of the alter a "demonic" act and ordered the altar to be removed from the church and burned.

A Louisiana lawyer representing the two women who allegedly engaged in two-on-one sex with the priest was okay with the sex act but called the actual arrest "appalling," implying that lawyers, like politicians, will say anything if it helps their cause.

“The fact that this involved a priest or took place in a church is completely irrelevant,” clueless secular attorney Bradley Phillips said, as reported by the New Orleans Advocate. 

The women, Mindy Dixon, 41, and Melissa Cheng, 23,  were accused of having sex with the then-Rev. Travis Clark, 37, in Pearl River, northwest of New Orleans.

“I understand that people may be upset by this situation, but that does not make this conduct illegal or criminal in any way,” the lawyer added, leaving off the tidbit that the church is considered public since the altar where the act allegedly took place can be seen from outside the church, which would therefore make it illegal. Public sex is illegal except in the case of dogs and other lower animals who often engage in public sex because they are animals.

A witness called police Sept. 30 after seeing Father Clark through a window in the Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church. He was in a state of almost buck nakedness on the altar, authorities have said. 

The earthly representative of the Lord was evidently getting it on with two high-heeled, corseted women while he was partially dressed in priestly attire.

The witness became suspicious when the church lights remained on late at night. He recorded the incident for his personal use later, and showed it to police.

The three were later arrested on obscenity charges for having sex within view of the public because the altar can be seen through windows and glass doors.

The threesome had set up stage lighting and appeared to be recording the encounter on a cell phone, according to the New Orleans Advocate.

Phillips said the only pertinent question was “if it took place in view of the public. Clearly, that is not the case,” only in the eyes of G_d, and anyone who looked through the windows.

New Orleans Archbishop Gregory Aymond, meanwhile, said Friday that he had burned the altar (where the alleged threesome took place) to restore its sanctity.

"His desecration of the altar was demonic," Aymond said, referring to Clark, according to the Catholic News Agency. "I am infuriated by his actions. When the details became clear, we had the altar removed and burned. I will consecrate a new altar tomorrow."

“I share your anger and feelings of betrayal,” Aymond added in a video statement. “We have many good priests, and I regret that they are embarrassed by the actions of a few.”

The priest and the women were arrested on obscenity charges. All three plan, upon their release, to vote for Joe Biden.

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