Monday, July 6, 2020

Comrade de Blasio points finger at tiny virus for weekend gun violence: makes perfect sense if you're an idiot

De Blasio and wife
The First Place Winner of the Nation's Worst Mayor of a Major City, Comrade Bill "My Real Name is Warren" de Blasio (D), does not blame the surge in gun violence over the weekend on the shooters who shot people, he blames the shootings on the Chinese Communist Wuhan coronavirus.


While pointing his finger elsewhere, he also defended the city's policing reforms and pretended to keep New York City "the safest big city in America." This is known in intellectual circles as complete bull crap.

The mayor, whose only accomplishment is his height, held a press conference Monday after at least eight people were killed and over 44 others shot and injured in a city with some of the country's toughest gun laws.

“I want to talk about what happened this weekend," the idiot began. "Many were out there celebrating, but we saw too much violence, and we have a lot of work to do to address it,” de Blasio said, while adding that “there is not one cause for something like this.”

He also never explained just what the right amount of violence is acceptable. Probably burning buildings, looting and destroying statues.

“This is directly related to coronavirus,” the idiot mayor said. “This is a very serious situation… As we’re getting into warmer and warmer weather, we’re feeling the effects of people being cooped up for months, the economy hasn’t restarted – we have a real problem here.”

Yeah, the virus. It's the virus. Oh, and Trump.

De Blasio vowed to “double down” to address the violence, which included shootings in Brooklyn, the Bronx and upper Manhattan, noting that it was going to take “neighborhood policing” as opposed to actual policing, and cooperation from clergy and elected officials.

I can hear the priest calling out to Johnny who's holed up in an abandoned building that Black Lives Matter burned down. "C'mon out, Johnny. Give it up--the coppers got the place surrounded."

"They'll never take me alive, Foddah," Johnny shouts back.

A social worker crouches behind Father McMannus and calls out to Johnny, "I know how this makes you feel. It's unfair how they treat you and I totally understand your situation. Tell me, what are you thinking now?"

"F**k you. I don't wanna hear your s**t. Get outta here."

Back to de Blasio.

“This is all hands on deck,” de Blasio cliched, while adding that the city has “been dealt a really tough hand.”

Yes, the city has been dealt a really tough hand, but they were playing Solitaire and elected a schmuck to run it while his wife, Chirlane McCray, launched ThriveNYC in 2015, taking $1 billion to fund a project to overhaul New York's mental health and substance abuse services. The program was criticized by Politico for having an "opaque budget" and "elusive metrics." The results were zero and to date, there is still nearly $850 million in funding still unaccounted for, and Bronx Councilman Ritchie Torres criticized ThriveNYC, saying that there was "no evidence it’s working."


To add to the brilliant leadership we are witnessing in the city, last month, the NYPD announced it was disbanding its anti-crime unit and reassigning hundreds of plainclothes officers to other divisions amid widespread criticism over the department’s handling of protesters.  Commissioner Dermot Shea said roughly 600 plainclothes officers from the anti-crime unit would be reassigned to other teams where they can help the community get that cat out of the tree that grows in Brooklyn.

“We [became] the safest big city in America. We will keep that title,” de Blasio said. “We will not go back and that’s the work we will do together in New York City.”

He was referring to when Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg were mayor.

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