Monday, July 6, 2020

Hillary Clinton claims she could beat Trump: LOL

During what turned out to be a comedy interview on the "Awards Chatter" podcast, former Democrat presidential loser to both Barack Obama and Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, spoke about her documentary series eponymously titled "Hillary." The Critics Choice Real TV Awards had no choice but to name it the year's best limited documentary series in March. Had they not done so, there's no telling what would have happened to the judges. [See, for examples, Jeffrey Epstein, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Kathy Ferguson, for starters.]

When the podcast host asked the former First Lady, former Senator of New York, former Secretary of State during the Benghazi debacle, and two-time loser in past presidential elections, whether she would win in a rematch election against President Trump, she was quick to respond.

“Yes. But I think people believe that this is a referendum on him,” said Clinton.

“You know, when he ran before, people who knew him mostly knew him from reality TV. He’d been in their living rooms, and he was a businessman, and he looked like a billionaire, and he rode around in his big plane and all of that,” she said. “So they kinda thought, ‘Well, hey, you know, give the guy a chance. Let’s see what he can do.’ And now everybody, I think, knows what the consequences of that have been.”

The consequences: 
1.  Lower taxes--after cuts, over $300 billion put back into economy in first        quarter of his presidency. 
2.  Police reform, holding cops accountable with national registry. 
3.  Better trade relations with our neighbors. 
4.  Stronger military--peace through strength. 
5.  Incredibly high job growth, which will return after the virus is beaten. 
6. Economic growth hit 4.2 percent. 
7.  African-American and Hispanic unemployment hit lowest level ever recorded. 
8.  Women's unemployment reached lowest level rate in 65 years. 
9.  About 3.9 million Americans lifted off food stamps. 
10. Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines, 
11. Elimination of choking regulations in record number. 
12. Obamacare individual mandate penalty removed and more affordable choices provided.  
13. Signed "Right to Try" legislation that allows new drugs to be used in hopeless cases. 
14. U.S. now a natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957 [excluding Eric Swalwell].
15. Got NATO to kick in more of what they should be paying and thus secured $69 billion more. 
16. Reformed the Medicare program to reduce hospital overcharging and lowered costs for senior drugs.
17. Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act. 
18. The wall is being built.
And so on. This is not a complete list, but perhaps Hillary can fill us in.

The incompetent former Secretary of State also offered some silly thoughts on the possibility that Trump may not leave the White House should he lose re-election.

“I think it depends upon how big the loss is, and that’s why they’re doing everything they can to prevent people from voting — you know, they want to stop mail-in voting, they want to shrink the number of places where people can actually vote in person — because they know if we have a big turnout, they lose,” said Clinton, an expert on how to limit voter turnout including dead voter turnout.

“And so we’re gonna have lots of fights over actual voting procedures between now and November. And if they can do anything that makes it look questionable, they will. And that’s why everybody needs to come out and vote — I don’t care where you live — and have as big a turnout as possible so that there can’t be any excuse given,” she said.

By 'questionable,' she means mail-in voting where voter fraud has the best chance of succeeding and has already been shown to be a serious problem.

At the end of the patronizing interview, Clinton also affirmed her belief that the electoral college should be abolished, and dismissed the notion that she would ever run for president again, calling it “not in the cards,” nor is it God's will.

By abolishing the electoral college it would take away the voices of Americans in the middle of the country. It would be the tyranny of the majority, like two lions and a gazelle deciding what to have for dinner.

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