Sunday, July 5, 2020

Kansas paper is being run by an idiot who compare mask wearing to the Holocaust

Whenever someone makes a nazi reference or a Holocaust comparison for someone or something they dislike, you know they are mentally lazy, or worse, anti-Semitic cretins. (See the cartoon above for a dramatic display of this.)

Note in the political cartoon that Jews are being herded into cattle cars like they were in Nazi Germany on their way to the death camps. Millions of Jews were slaughtered and millions more starved to death.

Anderson County Review, a small, sad, news website, posted this disgusting cartoon on their Facebook page as their way of equating the Democrat Kansas governor's mandate to use face masks to protect from COVID-19 to the Holocaust. 

The website is under heavy criticism.

The person with the face mask in the cartoon with the Star of David [the Jewish Star] is Gov. Laura Kelly. The people herded into the cattle cars is obviously a reference to those Jews marked for death simply for their immutable destiny.

At the bottom of the cartoon is the headline, “Lockdown Laura says: put on your mask… and step into the cattle car.” 

It doesn't get any more screwed up than that, boys and girls. Kelly, right or wrong, is trying to prevent the spread of a disease that can be fatal, while the people getting into the cattle cars are heading for their deaths.

Sure, the GOP has criticized Kelly's order as an infringement of personal liberty, although Kansas state law allows counties to opt out of the order, and Anderson County did opt out, but not everyone was pleased with the fact that she gave the order in the first place.

And while the Anderson County Review, a printed weekly located about 54 miles southwest of Kansas City, is run by Dane Hicks, the chairman of the Anderson County Republican Party, the cartoon was totally inappropriate.
But Hicks, who many Jewish people on both sides of the aisle, would refer to him as a schmuck, was unrepentant and said his goal was to provoke controversy.

He could have just as easily depicted a Muslim burning the U.S. Constitution in a steel cage as others fired their weapons at the document. Or Jesus on the cross wearing a mask with the heading below with a Roman soldier saying: "He wore that mask to the end."

But Jews are even easier targets than Christians, and certainly safer targets than the religion of peace.

Just because Hicks is a Republican, he can still be an idiot; and he is.

Kelly, a Catholic, issued a statement saying, “Mr. Hicks’ decision to publish anti-Semitic imagery is deeply offensive and he should remove it immediately.”

This is one of the very rare occasions that I have to agree with a Democrat. Probably one of the last times, as things are going in our nation.

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