Sunday, May 10, 2020

AG Barr slams Mueller, calls Steele dossier very troubling and more

Attorney General Bill Barr spoke with CBS's Catherine Herridge on Thursday about the FBI's use of the Steele dossier in the investigation into the Trump campaign. The most troubling aspect is the fact that it could have contained Russian disinformation. [And the Democrats accuse Republicans of colluding with Russia!]

"Based on the evidence that you have seen," Herridge began, "did senior FBI officials conspire to throw out the national security adviser?"

“Well, as I said, this is a particular episode,” Barr replied. “And it has some troubling features to it, as we’ve discussed. But I think, you know, that’s a question that really has to wait an analysis of all the different episodes that occurred through the summer of 2016 and the first several months of President Trump’s administration.”

In the interview, Herridge mentioned the Steele dossier and how the footnotes suggested that it was "the product of Russian disinformation."

“And there were multiple warnings to the FBI at that time, yet they continued to use that. How do you explain that?” Herridge asked Barr.

“I think that’s one of the most troubling aspects of this whole thing,” Barr said. “And, in fact, I said it in testimony on the Hill, I can’t remember if it was my confirmation, that I said I was very concerned about the possibility that that dossier and Steele’s activities were used as a vector for the Russians to inject disinformation into the political campaign.”

“I think that is something that Robert Mueller was responsible for looking at under his charter, which is the potential of Russian influence,” Barr continued. “But I think it was ignored and there was mounting indications that this could very well have been happening and no one really stopped to look at it.”

It was ignored because Trump beat Clinton.

Later in the interview Barr was asked about the DOJ's decision to drop the charges against former national security adviser and former three-star General Michael Flynn. He explained that the department acted out of a sense of justice and "undid what was an injustice," and added, "it's not gonna be the end of it."

Herridge asked him to elaborate on his statement that it was “not gonna be the end of it,” and he responded, “I said we’re gonna get to the bottom of what happened.”

Herridge asked about the U.S. Attorney John Durham's current criminal investigation into the roots of the Russia investigation. Barr said,  “Well, as you know, I’m not gonna predict the outcome. But I said that we’re certainly — there probably will be a report as a byproduct of his work. But we also are seeing if there are people who violated the law and should be brought to justice. And that’s what we have our eye on.”

Finally, Barr was asked whether those involved in the Flynn case, a clear miscarriage of justice, he responded,  “I don’t wanna get into particular individuals.”

Hopefully the nation will see real justice carried out and those responsible in the FBI and elsewhere, will be held accountable. But don't hold your breath.

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