Saturday, September 14, 2019

Socialist AOC angry at ad aired during debate blasting her as a socialist

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Communist (D-NY) got extremely angry over a TV ad that was aired during the Democratic debate that outed her as a full-blown socialist. She went to her default position, with zero evidence, of calling the Cambodian woman who promoted the ad, a white supremacist.

People with more than two brain cells to rub together are getting tired of these empty accusations by leftists who only have identity politics to rely on.

Elizabeth Heng ran for U.S. Congress last year in California and she was the person who ran the ad during the third Democratic presidential debate on ABC News.

"This is the face of socialism and ignorance," the ad begins while showing AOC's face bursting into flames. "Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know the horror of socialism? My father was minutes from death in Cambodia before a forced marriage saved his life. That’s socialism — forced obedience, starvation."

How very white supremacist can this Cambodian woman get?

"Mine is a face of freedom. My skin is not white. I’m not outrageous, racist, nor a socialist," Heng continued. "I’m a Republican."

Which means Heng is a white supremacist by default in the eyes of idiots who are as likely to eat Tide pods as they are to run for Congress.

New Faces GOP, a group created by Heng, tweeted the video with the caption: "We have a choice: Will we let socialists like [AOC] be the face of our future? Or will a new generation of conservatives step up & lead us? We're launching New Faces GOP to help identify & support the next generation of GOP leaders."

In a telephone interview with The Fresno Bee, explained that she spearheaded the PAC to give back to her community and fight against leftist in the Democratic Party that are promoting socialism. "Heng said that her run for Congress last year convinced her that if the Republican Party doesn’t broaden its base to include millennials, women and people of color, socialism will ruin the country."

AOC got so spitting mad at the ad that she nearly swallowed the Tide pod whole. "Republicans are running TV ads setting pictures of me on fire to convince people they aren't racist. Life is weird!""

"Know that this wasn’t an ad for young conservatives of color — that was the pretense," the socialist claimed without evidence. "What you just watched was a love letter to the GOP’s white supremacist case."

Now that is weird, not the ad.

"GOP’s message: No policy, no facts, just displays of violence + corporations like [ABC] & Sinclair who amplify them," AOC claimed, in spite of her admitting that she's a 'Democratic socialist' and not defining the difference between that claim and being a socialist. The Green New Deal is an excellent example of how she is a socialist, and not a very bright one.

"They profit from burning my likeness on TV. But who pays for heightened security? Who answers the phones for the threats resulting from a violent, false ad?"

Boo hoo--poor victim.

Heng responded to Ocasio-Cortez, tweeting: "Not Republicans. Me. Are you really calling me a racist [AOC]? I’m calling all Democrats out for supporting an evil ideology. Or are you just in Congress to hang out with celebrities and tweet out ridiculous ideas like the green new deal?"

Fact check: AOC is just in Congress to hang out with celebrities and tweet crap like the GND. If she ever had a good idea, it would die of loneliness as it echoes in her cute little cranium.

"[AOC] response is the Democratic [P]arty in a nutshell," Heng continued. "They are more offended by truthful words than the acts of their political ideology that has killed millions of innocent victims. I don't care about [AOC's] feelings — I care about stopping her lies about the lies of socialism."
AOC's version of a white supremacist

Heng discusses the mission of New Faces GOP explaining that it was formed because she sees the country to be at risk of being destroyed by extreme, socialist Democrats whose goal is to upend the American way of life.

"If we are going to compete on the battlefield of ideas, we must find new faces from the Republican Party stand up to lead. 
"We need candidate from all races, ethnicities, gender, or geography. Our party has the ideas and solutions to fight back extremism and its our goal to equip new leaders with the tools to win. 
"The Democrats message is weak at best, and downright laughable at worst — but they have dynamic, young messengers who relate to the next generation of voters. 
"Republicans, by contrast, have a winning message, and provide serious solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems — yet we don’t have messengers to deliver our platform in a way that engages meaningful segments of the population. 
"It was once said that if Republicans were trying to sell sushi, they would call it “cold, dead fish.” In other words, it doesn’t matter that Republicans have the right ideas if we are not able to market ourselves effectively. 
"And that’s why New Faces GOP was formed. Our mission is simple: Help elevate the next generation of Republicans so that we can not only survive as a party, but expand beyond the boundaries we’ve set for ourselves. Identify the new faces of the GOP who will lead us into tomorrow."
Heng obviously recognizes the problem and AOC is clearly a big part of it. She knows as much about the functioning of economics as a blowfish knows about Windows 10.

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1 comment:

  1. She is a Maduro wannabe. The ad had nothing to do with race, yet she brought race into the equation. The only racism in the incident is her own.


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