Sunday, September 15, 2019

Failed novelist Ben Rhodes defends Iran after attack

Ben Rhodes has an MFA in creative writing from NYU but has failed as a novelist because publishing houses obviously didn't think he had talent. His brother David is a former president of NBC News. Those were all the qualifications former President Barack Obama felt he needed for his National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications [emphasis on felt], a position created for him because of his talent as a failed novelist.

Rhodes tweeted:
Yesterday, massive explosions rocked a Saudi Arabian oil field, shutting down 5% of the world’s production. As my colleague streiff shared earlier today, we didn’t have to wait long to find out who did it. If you had Iran as the aggressor, congrats, although that’s not a difficult guess these days. It appears cruise missiles, possibly fired by Iranian backed militias in Iraq, were used in the attack.
Well well well…

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that Iran was the backing for the operation. The cruise missiles belong to them and only their proxies use them.

Pompeo tweeted:
We call on all nations to publicly and unequivocally condemn Iran’s attacks. The United States will work with our partners and allies to ensure that energy markets remain well supplied and Iran is held accountable for its aggression
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) September 14, 2019
But Ben Rhodes [I misspelled Butt] knows better than all of us. He is telling us that Sec. Pompeo is wrong and he knows better. [Is it possible he is having an affair with Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett?]

In an incredibly dumb, dishonest and dangerous tweet, Rhodes posted:
The Houthis are not the same as Iran and the Saudis are fighting a war against them in Yemen. This is an incredibly dumb, dishonest and dangerous thing to say.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) September 14, 2019
The likelihood that Iran isn't involved in the attack and Rhodes is correct has the same probability of finding a Mars chocolate bar on Mars. The Secretary of State is privy to the intelligence that Rhodes is not, therefore Rhodes lacks intelligence in more ways than one.

Suffice it to say, Rhodes invariably tends to side with Iran and the Mullahs and it makes one wonder if there isn't something in it for him. Maybe Jarrett really is influencing him with promises to keep.

Fun Fact: Valerie Jarrett is 5% Native American, which means she is more Native American than Elizabeth "Throwing Bull" Warren.

The fact that the Houthis are controlled by Iran and are financed by them challenges the notion that Ben Rhodes should be taken more seriously than a village idiot.

Several tweets challenge Rhodes' credibility:
Iran-backed Lebanese Hezbollah trains the Houthis. Iran backs the Houthis including by supplying them with advanced weaponry. You can keep pretending the Islamic Republic in Iran is not behind these destructive proxies. But facts are stubborn things.
— Mark Dubowitz (@mdubowitz) September 14, 2019
Every time Ben Rhodes opens his mouth, I have to remind myself that yes, this man actually served as a Deputy NSA in the Obama White House.
— capitalist ghoul 🦅 (@m0ve_im_gay) September 14, 2019
But the best rebuttal of Rhodes' idiocy came from Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX):

The frightening irony is that when Rhodes was in the Obama administration, none of the media challenged his qualifications. Even with the horrible Arab Spring which set off Middle East fireworks, nothing was said to challenge his ability to be in an important advisory position.

And let's face it, the dude went along with the Iran nuclear deal.

Yet today, the media refuses to call him out for being unqualified to be taken seriously about foreign affairs.

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