Saturday, September 28, 2019

NYC wants to fine New Yorkers for their free speech rights

Speaking in a derogatory way about a person or group of people is disgusting but there used to be a time when our words were protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. You could say anything as long as you didn't call for violence, and sure, a lot of what was said was horrible, rude, vulgar and wrong, but you had the constitutional right to say it.

Now the New York City's Commission on Human Rights said on Thursday that New Yorkers in the Big Apple could face a fine up to $250,000 for using the words "illegal alien . . .  with the intent to demean, humiliate or harass a person."

It's unclear if the same fine would hold for actual illegal aliens but the fine details have not been totally explained.

"Hate has no place here," a tweet from the City of New York read. By that, they also mean "free speech has no place here." 

Once they criminalize two words, it's a baby step to criminalize more.

And illegal alien is not derogatory--it's explanative. A person who is in a country unlawfully, [without proper authorization] is in the country illegally. If they are from a different country, they are alien to the country they are in. They are by definition, illegal aliens.

 The city's announcement ticked off a list of offensive ways to address immigrants -- including threatening to call the authorities on them for being in the country illegally, or harassing someone for having "limited English proficiency." Both situations are not unlawful, but the uber left New York City wants lawbreakers to be happy and free.

"Threatening to call ICE when motivated by discrimination, derogatory use of the term 'illegal alien,' and discrimination based on limited English proficiency are unlawful discriminatory treatment under the NYC Human Rights Law," the announcement read. So by that statement, the NYC Commission on Human Rights is implying that they can know what is in a person's mind/heart that motivates them to use a perfectly legal term, or to exercise their free speech rights.
It clarified that calling ICE with a "discriminatory motive" was a violation, but it didn't specify what NYC would consider a call to ICE would be that lacked a "discriminatory motive."

"Fines of up to $250,000 can be assessed for each act of willful discrimination, and damages are available to complainants," the leftist city said.

"The NYC Commission on Human Rights ... defines discrimination on the basis of perceived or actual immigration status and national origin under the New York City Human Rights Law in public accommodation, employment, and housing," the announcement read.

This explains why Democrats want to eliminate voter ID and allow illegal aliens sanctuary from the law.

Notice that politicians never have to be personally involved with the decisions they make--only we must--and that was even true with Obamacare.

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