Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Flappy-arm O'Rourke has his lunch eaten by NRA

Former cowboy from El Paso, millionaire by marriage and "gun guru" Robert Francis O'Rourke [aka Beto] in another feeble attempt at rebooting a presidential campaign that is flailing almost as much as his arms when he speaks, has two main priorities: Trump and all of his supporters' racism, and the "gun lobby."

In the immediate aftermath of the horrific El Paso mass shooting on August 3rd which killed 22 and about 40 more injured, O'Rourke said that a mandatory gun buyback program [which is a fancy term for a mandatory confiscation program] "absolutely has to be part of the conversation." He added that he'd be receptive to that if he ever got elected as President. He spoke on the podcast "Pod [not G_d] Save America":
“It absolutely has to be part of the conversation. And at the end of the day, if it’s going to save lives, if it’s going to prevent the kinds of tragedies that we saw in El Paso or Gilroy or Dayton or this weekend in Chicago or all over this country on a daily basis, then let’s move forward and do it.” 
At the end of the day, O'Rourke knows as much about guns as he does about winning a Texas Senate seat with tons more money than his opponent.

On Friday, the O'Rourke campaign posted the idiot's gun control plan on his website which included, among other things, a call for a mandatory buyback program for “weapons of war.” [Did you wet yourself with those scary words?]

Over the weekend, "Flappy Arms" made an unannounced visit to a gun show in Arkansas to talk to gun owners on their thoughts about his ever-evolving, incredibly erudit gun control plan, I write sarcastically.

CBS News and The Hill described O’Rourke as being back on the campaign trail after a “12-day hiatus” in response the El Paso mass shooting, but c'mon; he never really left the old trail.

Bobby tweeted about his visit to Arkansas over the weekend.
In Arkansas, I listened to gun owners and sellers—and appreciated hearing their perspectives. But as the plan we released yesterday says, if I’m president, you wouldn’t be able to buy weapons of war for $395. You wouldn’t be able to buy them at all. pic.twitter.com/Pz8KuFq9Tt
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) August 17, 2019
The NRA noticed what the somewhat incredulous senate seat loser posted – and responded:
“If I’m president…”
Beto: Have you taken a look at the polls? 🤣 https://t.co/BfwRQdXVdd
— NRA (@NRA) August 17, 2019

But lo and beserve, O’Rourke flapped back:
Yeah. I've seen them. 70% of Americans support an assault weapons ban, including most Republicans. https://t.co/opWCyPfeI7 https://t.co/Eo8WiVb97p
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) August 17, 2019
Not to be outdone by an ignoramus who knows less about guns than a walrus knows about dental implants, the NRA posted back:
A majority of people can’t even tell you what an “assault weapon” is and can’t define “semi-automatic.”
This gun control activist (who was fed talking points) wants to ban “fully semi-automatic” guns.
We are excited to see you lose once again. pic.twitter.com/7LzGhVn4Pd https://t.co/WCFfAcZ4Yu 
— NRA (@NRA) August 18, 2019
"Fully semi-automatic" is a nonsense term. O'Rourke doesn't know the difference between a semi-automatic and a fully automatic. He probably doesn't even know what a selector switch is on a "weapon of war," which at one time was the flintlock. He probably doesn't know the difference between a bullet and a round, or his ass from his elbow.

These are the people telling us about what needs to be done regarding gun control. The only gun control we need beyond what we already have, might be red flag laws and to hold your breath, take careful aim and slowly squeeze the trigger. Oh, and always be aware of what's behind your target.

Gun control activists deliberately distort the meaning of certain words and terms in order to confuse voters on the issue. It’s important in these debates that everyone be on the same page when it comes to the meaning behind the words/terminology they use so there is no confusion.

If Beto becomes President, chickens will rule the sky.

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