Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Alyssa Milano: killing her 2 babies completed her life

Perhaps she is merely trying to be relevant by being outrageous/ Perhaps she simply hates the responsibility of having to care for and raise a child, but in any case, Alyssa Milano bragged that when she killed her two unborn babies in 1993, it helped make her life the way it is today.

According to Yahoo News, the former "Charmed" actress and so-called feminist activist revealed in her latest podcast "Sorry Not Sorry" that when she was in her early twenties, she got pregnant twice. However, her relationship with her boyfriend had problems so she killed her two unborn babies.

"In 1993, I had two abortions," the failed mother said. "I was in love for the first time in the breathless way you can only be in love when you are young. It was huge — overwhelming even. It filled every part of living. It was a joyful and exciting and powerful time in my life."

Milano did not say who the man was and frankly, nobody cares, but don't you feel so happy for her wistful, yet wonderful life?

Despite being on birth control, Milano admitted that she still got pregnant because she forgot to read the directions or didn't understand them--she didn't say.

Her pregnancy caused her to have actual feelings, rather than pretending to have them via acting. She also has a Catholic background, which frowns upon killing the unborn. She did know, however, that she was "not equipped to be a mother [due to an unrelenting selfishness that encompassed her entire being] and so I chose to have an abortion. I chose. It was my choice. And it was absolutely the right choice for me." But not for the babies.

Milano admitted that the choice to obtain an abortion was not "something I wanted" but rather "something that I needed — like most healthcare is." What does healthcare have to do with abortion? 'Splain, Lucy.

After the first abortion, Milano went back on the pill and resumed having lots of sex again, which resulted in yet another pregnancy that she failed to prevent.

"A few months later I found out I was pregnant again," she said. "Once again I made the right decision to end the pregnancy." The depths of her selfishness is endless.

Milano said her reasons for killing her unborn babies are similar to other women. "They are ours — and they none of your f**king business," she said. With that logic, then a mother can kill her children at any time since they "are [ours]."

And murder is our business. Unfortunately, her form of killing is still legal in the United States. One day, maybe many years from now, society will look back at this time in our culture and see us for the barbarians that we are.

Another narcissist spoke out about her abortion.

"I had an abortion when I was young, and it was the best decision I have ever made," said actress Jameela Jamil. "Both for me, and for the baby I didn’t want, and wasn’t ready for, emotionally, psychologically and financially. So many children will end up in foster homes. So many lives ruined. So very cruel."

Nice that Jamil can speak for the unborn. Was killing the baby the best thing for the baby? That's really perverting logic. Hasn't she heard of adoption?

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