Friday, July 19, 2019

Religion of Peace Islamist imam calls for extermination of Jews

A California imam Ahmed Billoo, an indoctrinator-educator who trains the next generation of imams, advocates for the genocide of Jews, for which he is praised by prominent Islamists in the US.

We don't know where the "Squad" composed of Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Rashida Tlaib (D-IL) Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and their intellectual leader, Alexandria Obviously-Comatose (D-NY) stands on this issue, but nobody is hearing them denounce the call for genocide.

While waiting at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, after a trip to the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, California Imam Ahmed Billoo (aka Ahmed Ibn Aslam; aka Al Lou Akbar;), wrote on his private Facebook account that he was “feeling annoyed” about his being in his location [an Israeli airport named after a famous Israeli Jew]. He offered a prayer to deal with the numerous Jews in the building: “Oh God, reduce their numbers, exterminate them, and don’t leave a single one alive.” He added the hashtag “Zionists.”

Now THAT is reducing their numbers!

Will Facebook characterize this crap as going against their policy of "hate speech" and throw him off Facebook?  Don't put any money on it.

Billoo seemed extremely relieved when he arrived in Istanbul the next day, writing “So good to be in a Muslim country” and “#TiredofSeeingZionists.”

For those of you who don't know what Billoo means by Zionists, he's referring to Jewish people.

Billoo is a prominent cleric in California and part of a prominent Islamist family. He works as the religious director at the Islamic Center of Cypress, serves as a “professor” at California Islamic University [Go Fightin' Beheaders!], and is a teacher at the Institute of Knowledge, an oxymoron title of a seminary that offers religious advice to Muslim students ["Kill them wherever you find them"] and trains the next generation of imams to hate Jews. Its faculty includes prominent clerics from the hardline Salafi and Deboandi strains of Islam.

A 2007 article in the Jewish Journal refers to an Ahmed Billoo (also from Alhambra, home of the Billoo family) as the then-President of Cal State Long Beach’s Muslim Student Association [an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood] and quotes him expressing support for suicide bombings in Palestine, adding that “Islam justifies” such attacks.

That's true--Islam at its core is fine with killing and dying in the name of Islam. It's how the prophet of Islam Mohammed, was able to convince his terrorist army to give their lives for "the cause" while he collected the booty and sex slaves.

But Ahmed Billoo is a lesser-known Billoo, even lesser known than Cat Billoo, and perhaps was hoping to come to anti-Semitic prominence with his Facebook post.

His sister, Zahra Billoo, is director of the San Francisco branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and an important figure in the Women’s March movement. Zahra Billoo, who is also not shy about anti-Jewish sentiments and support for terror, frequently appears alongside her brother at events across California. She is proud to say that she never met a Jew she wouldn't kill, if she had the chance.

So we ask: how did prominent activists and clerics respond to Billoo’s murderous wishes?

It appears no one objected.

Faisal Ahmad, who heads another religious training organization in New York named the Fiqh Institute, wrote: “Ameen!!! Wow you were at the place where Eesa [Jesus] will slay the Dajjal [Anti-Christ]! Oh Allah make it happen soon make it happen soon. Destroy the forces of kufr [non-Muslims] and cause Emaan [faith] in you to spread throughout the earth Ameen!”

Nasreen Khan, a colleague of Billoo at the California Islamic University simply wrote “Ameen.” She is a devout Muslima whose hobby it is to pray and put sequins on suicide vests.

Other prominent Islamists simply "Liked" the Facebook post.

Ironically, the Jewish co-creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, doesn't have the stones to throw Balloo or those who praised his post, off the platform.

Many of these Islamic officials and the groups they represent have long pretended their dedication to liberal values and interfaith dialogue, in the "some of my best friends are Jews" approach. But of course, these public commitments are shown to be a mere facade, lies, balderdash, designed to cover up absolute hatreds of Koranic proportion.

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