Monday, June 24, 2019

AOC develops incredible self-awareness: runs away when challenged

Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Cowardly (Socialist-NY) is one of the more cowardly freshmen in the House of Representatives. In fact, what she represents to many who have been listening to her whine about things without offering any solutions, is that she isn't very bright but has finally come to realize that about herself.

At the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York, she ran away from a reporter who had a question to ask her.

But most recently, she is running from an opportunity to perhaps actually learn something about which she is totally ignorant.

AOC compared the situation at the border to concentration camps. People were taken aback.

She has been saying that the term concentration camp has nothing to do with the Holocaust, in spite of her also using the term never again, an obvious Holocaust reference and the stance the Jews took after the Second World War. She tried to convince people that concentration camps are distinctly different from death camps, but everyone knows she's full of unicorn poop.

When she was challenged by Jews and others who disagreed with her she doubled-down, then tripled-down and so on.

On Sunday, AOC was invited by a Holocaust remembrance group to visit first hand Nazi concentration camps and be accompanied with a Holocaust survivor. Instead of going along and actually learning something, she went searching in Saul Alinsky's "12 Rules for Radicals" to figure out what to do and bingo! Rule number 5 was perfect: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

So instead of going along with going along to the Nazi concentration camps and coming away with something, she suggested that the invitation to go there was part of a "far-right" scheme designed for "political gain."

Her remarks came in response to a tweet from Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who was removed from all his congressional committees by Republican leaders after inappropriate remarks he made about white nationalism.

King tagged her in a tweet that linked a report from The Hill. He encouraged AOC to accept the invite from the Holocaust remembrance group, but she declined because it would have made her look like a loser, believe it or not.

King wrote: "I went to Auschwitz & Birkenau with Eddie Mausberg & Jonny Daniels with In the Depths. I went with a deep understanding of the Shoah and had a profound personal experience. Please accept their offer."

The simpleton rejected the offer believing it was part of how "the far-right manipulates these moments for political gain." 

Yeah, right.

So instead of going along with the offer, she wrote: "The last time you went on this trip it was reported that you also met w/ fringe Austrian neo-Nazi groups to talk shop. So I’m going to have to decline your invite. But thank you for revealing to all how transparently the far-right manipulates these moments for political gain."

In other words, the idiot who helped New York lose about 25,000 jobs with Amazon, made it sound like King was inviting her to go to the concentration camps with him, which isn't true. AOC just turned it around in her dishonest way. In truth, she was to go to the Nazi concentration camps with a 93-year-old survivor, Edward Mosberg.

Jonny Mosberg is founder of From the Depths and Edward Mosberg was to be her tour guide which includes visits to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek and Mauthausen concentration camps. It was Jonny who wrote the open invitation, and AOC's refusal, as is her history of running away from anything that confronts her ingrained beliefs, exemplifies her shallow thinking and explains her attraction to socialism where the government takes care of all your needs . . . until they don't.

Seriously, it's urgent that people like AOC, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib become "one term wonders."

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1 comment:

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