Monday, January 14, 2019

AOOC PO'ed with CBS for 2020 election coverage: not enough melanin

Alexandiarrhea Occasionally-Coherent-Cortex (Dummy--NY) slammed CBS for not having a black reporter or producer on their 2020 election team. Cortex tends to badmouth outlets who badmouth her, especially those that check her claims.

On Saturday  she went after CBS News’ 2020 election coverage plans, calling out the network for not including an African-American journalist on their 2020 Election Team. Oddly enough, she had no problem over the fact that they did not include Asian midget transgender individuals, or lesbians who identified as cis gender males.

The LGBTQsilentP community is hitting back at Cortex for her refusal to go all the way with her self-righteous indignation. The group's leader, Zzhms. Roger Linda Wilco, said of Cortex, "I don't know how she can sit there and say the things she says without taking the full picture into consideration. There are people out there who can't find work and could use a CBS gig. People of multi-color, multi-disabilities and multi-gender who have been trying to find a job and companies won't hire them due to their differences and inability to work with numbers. She should know--she doesn't work well with numbers either."

[The honorific Zzhms designates a white lesbian identifying as a cis gender black male with homosexual tendencies when eating at fast food restaurants.]

The controversy began when Ben F. Mitchell, a CBS News associate producer, tweeted, “It's Official: The @CBSNews 2020 Election Team has assembled!” on Friday.

The tweet also included a graphic with pictures and names of eight 2020 campaign reporters as well as four campaign associate producers, including Mitchell.

Late Saturday, Cortex retweeted the producer and called out his employer for not including an African-American in the group. [This was when the LGBTQsilentP's Roger Linda Wilco shot back with a tweet of ZZhms' own.]

Cortex tweeted:
“This [administration] has made having a functional understanding of race in America one of the most important core competencies for a political journalist to have, yet @CBSNews hasn’t assigned a *single* black journalist to cover the 2020 election. Unacceptable in 2019. Try again.”
Zzhms Wilco tweeted back:
"Oh yeah? Why is it you're dating Riley Roberts, a cis gender white guy? S'matter witchu--black chicks aren't good enough to get down wit?"
Cortex called President Donald Trump a racist last Sunday on CBS News’ “60 Minutes” program. She calls everyone a racist, but so do all Democrats.
White cis gender boyfriend of Cortex
CBS News’ PR department tweeted a press release minutes after Mitchell’s Tweet announcing the group.

“The News Division will increase political reporting across-the-board by expanding its political embed unit,” the press release read.

In separate responses to Cortex, National Journal Politics Editor Josh Kraushaar compared her to President Trump by calling her a "media scold" and noted that the group "looked racially diverse (at least based on last names), with the exception of lacking an African-American. If there aren’t strict racial quotas for every batch of hires, does it mean a company is racist?”

For Alexandiarrhea Occasionally Coherent-Cortex the answer is "yes," there should be racial and intersectional quotas. The exceptions would be Jews, straight white men, Republicans, and anyone working for Fox News [but not Shepard Smith--Cortex likes him].

However, the low-information former bartender did not take kindly to Kraushaar's response, joking that she should change her Twitter profile name to "Alexandria ‘looked racially diverse (at least based on last names)’ Ocasio-Cortez"

“Do you understand how fundamental the black experience is to American politics? And to American history?” the idiot Cortex tweeted. “One race isn’t substitutable for another. It doesn’t work like that.”

It should actually work on merit, and race not be a factor whatsoever. But socialists like AOOC and even CBS don't get it.

She added, “It’s not about “quotas.” It’s about understanding the country you’re living in.”

Of course it's about quotas. It's always been about quotas and has nothing to do with a person's ability to perform outstandingly.

The freshman congresswoman returned to her exchange with Kraushaar on Sunday, claiming that his comparison of her to Trump was a "false equivalence" by "diminishing Trump‘s 'enemy of the people' talk as 'scolding' & describing my call to hire a black journalist as the same thing."

Then she called him Hitler.

"I never called anyone racist, just inadequate," she added without seeing the irony in her statement. "Also never called for strict quotas, just having representation of one of the most fundamental voting blocs in the American electorate."

Voting bloc is the actual reason she panders to black people--she unwittingly outed herself--and that's what real racism looks like.

Will 2019 be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint? Let's hope so, because politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

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