Sunday, November 4, 2018

CNN leaves out important details about alleged anti-Semite who vandalized synagogue

Somehow the Communist News Network [aka: CNN] left out important details about the crap weasel who allegedly vandalized a Brooklyn synagogue, leaving disgusting anti-Semitic messages on the wall. The details being that he, James Polite [really, that's the guy's name], has ties to Democratic leaders and his work on combating hate crimes--no joke.

Here's how CNN reported it: "And a Brooklyn man has been arrested and charged with a hate crime for anti-Semitic messages found in a New York synagogue on Thursday," Fredricka Whitfield said. "James Polite is also charged with criminal mischief and making graffiti."

She went on: "Police say the messages were on four floors of the Union Temple of Brooklyn. Mayor Bill de Blasio calls the incident deeply disturbing to all New Yorkers."

At no time does Whitfield mention that Polite was a Democratic activist who worked as a volunteer for former President Barack Obama's presidential campaign, and had also worked to combat hate crimes.

On a separate Saturday report on their website, the network mentioned that Polite had previously worked on combating hate crimes but apparently didn't think it useful to mention his association to Democratic leaders.

This kind of slanted, biased so-called journalism should concern everyone. But people, particularly people on the left, don't want to hear facts that disturb their preconceived beliefs and contradict their confirmation biases.

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