Thursday, October 18, 2018

Ben Rhodes: idiot savant, or just an idiot?

According to the self-proclaimed geniuses on the left, everything that's wrong with the world can somehow be blamed on President Trump, no matter how tortured the connection.

Former failed novelist and Obama's failed Deputy National Security Advisor [see: ISIS, Iran, Al Qaeda, Syria and China] Ben Rhodes, is claiming that President Trump's rhetoric meant that "journalists everywhere are less safe."

Ben's brother, David, is president of CBS News.

Rhodes made that silly comment Tuesday on Morons Speaking Nothing But Communism's [MSNBC] "Morning Joe." When asked/prompted about Trump's response to the likely killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, Rhodes bloviated: "What you have to realize is, there's nobody else who can play the role of the United States to hold people like this to account. We are the world's oldest and most significant democracy [actually, we're a republic]. And if we're not doing this, if we're not setting up for this, there's not somebody else who will do that."

But Rhodes wasn't finished objurgating. "The consequences of that are journalists everywhere are less safe. And let's face it, we have a president of the United States who says journalists are the enemy of the state. So values like freedom of speech and dissent suddenly are very endangered around the world. [How he makes that giant leap remains a mystery.] And that's a trend line that I think is getting worse. This vacuum [not unlike the one between his ears] of any advocacy for any democratic values is putting people at risk and there's nobody else who will fill that vacuum if the President of the United States and the United States of America is not doing that." [What? Now there are two countries with similar names?]

Blah, blah, blah.

Blaming Trump for all the ills of society is not only a lie, but it's going to come back and bite Democrats on their collective . . . collective.

Taking Rhodes seriously as someone who knows what he's talking about is a mistake. In a blistering article about Rhodes' lack of experience while in the Obama administration, it's clear that he was just a political operative, not a real pundit, and certainly not a journalist.

It sounds like a cliché to say that it's imperative for all conservatives to vote in the impending midterm elections. If we lose the House and/or Senate, we will have only ourselves to blame. This is really a time when every vote counts. So vote, and vote often--just kidding about the last part.

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