Thursday, October 18, 2018

Rosie O'Donnell wants military coup to remove our POTUS

Rosie O'Donnell does not like Donald Trump and cannot accept the fact that he is now President Donald Trump. She wants to have United States armed forces to forcibly remove him from the White House.

Personally that is very insulting. It should also be insulting for every American who believes in the republic. Trump was duly elected president and to ask for his removal from office without due process is seditious.

"I want to send the military to the White House to get him," the angry O'Donnell told Nicolle Wallace on Morons Speaking Nothing But Communism [MSNBC]. They were discussing Trump's threat to have the military "close" the U.S.-Mexican border as the huge migrant caravan was on route to the area.

But fortunately for the country, O'Donnell has no authority to even order a U.S. Army buck private to bring her a pizza, so it isn't going to happen.

The big woman also reflected on a previous suggestion to impose martial law to delay Trump's inauguration. That would indeed be a coup d'état and is again, a seditious suggestion.

"When he was elected what I wrote on Twitter was we should impost martial law until we make sure the Russians weren't involved in the final tallies of the vote," she said. "People were like, 'Martial law? What's wrong with you? You're a lunatic.'" [Those people sound as if they have psychiatric backgrounds.]

O'Donnell said Thursday that the night Trump won the presidency, she "got physically sick," but refused to say how many beers, pizzas and mozzarella sticks she had as she watched the results come in.

"It took me a good year to compose myself to be in public again," she said. "I took a year out of the spotlight."

And a very big spotlight it was. Tremendous spotlight. Yooge.

Perhaps the Secret Service need to take a closer look at O'Donnell--she sounds desperate to get rid of our president.

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