Monday, August 13, 2018

Comrade de Blasio censors the media with his NYPD 'muscle'

Comrade de Blasio
photo: Brigitte Stelzer
New York City Mayor Comrade Bill de Blasio had two of his bodyguards physically remove a credentialed Post reporter who had the audacity of hope to be able to ask the mayor a question on Sunday. Where did this reporter think he was? The United States of America?

The communist de Blasio was at the annual Dominican Day Parade in Manhattan when the reporter simply sought his reaction to the Post's front page story about the myriad meetings de Blasio's had with lobbyists.

The question ironically also came after the mayor appeared on national TV to say, "I believe in a free, strong media with diverse views--I'll defend it with all I've got."

Apparently, he ain't got squat because two hours after he cut a ribbon to kick off the parade and posing for photos near West 37th Street and Sixth Avenue, Kevin Sheehan asked him to comment on the "CITY FOR SALE" Page One story.

But rather than answering the question or declining to say anything, the scumbag mayor stood by and watched as two of his NYPD security detail approached the reporter, who was wearing an NYPD issued press pass around his neck. One cop grabbed him by the shoulder and began leading him away from comrade de Blasio.
photo: Brigitte Stelzer
"Kevin, you have to leave. You can't be here," the plainclothes cop said as both bodyguards led the reporter a half-block away. NYPD public-[mis]information officer Brian Magoolaghan told him, "Come on, Kevin. No stunts today.?

So Kevin Sheehan is a stuntman reporter.

The mayor's office held 136 meetings with lobbyists from January to March of this year alone, but they initially didn't want to discuss this.

Earlier in the day, de Blasio appeared on the Communist News Network's [aka CNN] "Reliable Sources" and discussed his Guardian interview last week. He told the liberal British birdcage liner his dislike for The Post's parent company, News Corp, and its founder Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch.

The host and bald stooge Brian Stelter pressed the leftist mayor about his criticism of The Post, which de Blasio referred to as a "right-wing rag."

"Why do you feel it's your role to be calling out a newspaper because you don't like the content?" Stelter asked, his head shining in the lights.

"Because I think it's not happening enough.  . . . It's not happening the way I think it should," the hater of the First Amendment answered.

The answer he gave to Stelter's question didn't bother to challenge the premise that de Blasio is calling out the paper because he doesn't like the content. This is because the mayor of New York City is too stupid to pick up on the insinuation.

De Blasio's press secretary said in an email about questions: "The Department takes appropriate and necessary measures to protect dignitaries, including [commie dictators like] the Mayor of the City of New York."

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