Monday, August 13, 2018

BREAKING: FBI fires Peter Strzok

The FBI has fired Peter Strzok, the attorney, Aitan Goelman confirmed. He said that his client, an anti-Trump agent who, with his colleague and paramour, Lisa Page, exchanged messages indicating their hatred of Trump and insinuations that Strzok would do something about his presidency.

Strzok played a lead role in the Russian meddling investigation and the Hillary Clinton email probe that eventually got her a "Get Out of Jail" card.

After it was discovered that he was texting Page, he became a pariah to the agency and his wife wasn't too happy about his scumbaggery as well.

Goelman said in a statement Monday that Strzok, a 21-year FBI veteran, was fired Friday afternoon. He said the firing was a departure from the bureau's standard practice and that the FBI's deputy director "overruled" the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.

"This decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans," Goelman said.

I'm an American and I like it just fine, Aitan.

Over the weekend POTUS tweeted that Strzok and others have "badly damaged" the FBI's reputation, calling them "clowns and losers!"

Strzok was removed from the special counsel probe headed by Robert Mueller after it was found that he exchanged anti-Trump and other politically charged messages with his covert bed partner.

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