Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Dems out of ideas, steal Trump's

In a clear sign of being devoid of any new ideas and a willingness to steal whatever they can from anywhere they can and claim that it's theirs, Democrats are now calling for the country to "drain the swamp." And the real irony is that it's those Democrats who dwell in the swamp that are calling for its draining.

The metaphor "drain the swamp" while originally referred to the method of keeping the mosquito population under control to combat malaria, it's now used to mean a way to fix problems within the federal government. It has been used most recently by President Trump during his 2016 campaign and thereafter, but it isn't a new term.

Drain the swamp may have been coined by Victor L. Berger (1860 - 1929) in his book Broadsides in which he referred to changing capitalism as "drain[ing] the swamp."

Winfield R. Gaylord (1870 - 1943) described the socialist desire to "drain" the "capitalist swamp." Gaylord was an idiot who never understood how capitalism made America wealthy and gave people the benefit of equal opportunity rather than his socialist desire of equal outcome, which is ridiculous.

In 1983 President Ronald Reagan called for "drain[ing] the swamp" of bureaucracy in the federal government, much like Trump is calling for today.

Pat Buchanan a 2000 presidential candidate and anti-Semite said in opposition to the dominant parties, "Neither Beltway party is going to drain the swamp: it's a protected wetland; they breed in it, they spawn in it."

Then in 2006 Nancy Pelosi [whose Native American name is "Dances with Dentures"] while announcing her 100-Hour Plan responding to the dominance of the GOP mentioned the term "drain the swamp." Then her hands went into severe spasms.

Others have also used that term but it is President Trump who currently seems to own it; at least until the Democrats are trying to take it back. They are using the familiar slogan and trying to act more like President Trump because they ran out of ideas after Lincoln was elected.

Because Democrats are predictable, owing to their identity politics and lack of creativeness, you can expect to hear the chant "drain the swamp" become their battle cry.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) [whose Native American name is "Nostrils with Zip Codes"] said, "President Trump has embraced the most egregious establishment Republican norms and appointed the most conflict-of-interest-ridden Cabinet in my lifetime."

He then added that "The swamp has never been more foul, or more fetid, than under this president."

Not true.

Under former President Obama, there was plenty of foul, malodorous gases coming out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Fast and Furious, Solyndra, the IRS scandal, the VA's deadly waiting lists, Hillary Clinton's illegal server and her deal with the Russians to sell them 20 percent of all our uranium, Obama's questionable business deals with coal mining, offshore drilling, cash advance companies and more and more and more.

So okay, you expect a swamp-dweller like Schumer to say things along the party line. But to use Trump's words about draining the swamp is actually funny. I hope the GOP deals with it properly.

It seems like all the Dems have are slogans, repealing the Second Amendment, identity politics, allowing illegal immigrants entry into the country and providing them with healthcare and jobs at the American taxpayer's expense.

You now have Hillary Clinton supporting Andrew Cuomo for his third re-election as Governor of New York, while not supporting Cynthia Nixon, a progressive who's running against him. Hillary laughed and pumped her fist in the air when Madeleine Albright told the crowd that there's a special place in hell for women who don't support women.

Words. That's all the Democrats have along with hypocrisy.

But to be fair, President Trump has also backed away from his campaign pledge of draining the swamp. Fox News' Neil Cavuto went after Trump and spoke to this problem:
"Let me be clear, Mr. President. How can you drain the swamp if you're the one who keeps muddying the waters?
"You didn't know about the $130,000 payment to a porn star, until you did. Said you knew nothing about how your former lawyer handled this, until you acknowledged today that you were the guy behind the retainer payment that took care of this. You insist that money from the campaign or campaign contributions played no role in the transaction. Of that you're sure. The thing is, not even 24 hours ago, sir, you couldn't recall any of this."

A lot of folks were really pissed off at Cavuto for this statement, but that's what you call journalism. I want Trump to succeed; many Democrats want him to fail, even at the expense of the benefit to our nation.

President Trump is not a paragon of virtue in his personal life--we all get it. He cheated on his first wife with Melania and had a romp with a porn actress when Melania was pregnant with his son Barron.

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