Saturday, March 3, 2018

Pelosi's thought process shows signs of confusion

House Minority Leader Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi is increasingly showing signs of either dementia or far-left thinking. She has been confusing words and corrects herself as if she is in a conventional dither.

Her borderline babbling may be why some Democrats refuse to support her--not that she is saying the wrong thing but she is saying things they believe goes over their heads and they just cannot understand her.

When Pelosi spoke to the media on Thursday, she frequently used the wrong work in sentences, and then awkwardly corrected herself so they could understand her blathering.

Regarding new gun control legislation (the liberal "go-to" position whenever there's a mass shooting) she said there is a "commensurate bi-partisan--common sense bi-partisan supp, um, path forward," as her hands did a quirky fandango. 

Soon thereafter she tended to repeat words (not in the same way President Trump does, but in a slightly more confused way) and used the term "tax force" and corrected herself with "task force."

When again addressing gun control, she retreated to her previous talking points, almost saying "comprehensive immigration bill" when speaking on the gun issue.

When Pelosi tried to slam the Trump tax cut, she screwed up the numbers created by her party: "Once the tax scam is fully phased in, six million middle class families--excuse me--eighty-six million middle-class families . . ."

Soon after that, she said the Republicans are going to take "500 billion dollars out of Medicare. One-and-a-half; excuse me," she then stopped herself. "Trillion--half a trillion dollars out of Medicare," she said, not realizing that both numbers are the same value.

Regarding settlements over sexual harassment victims she said, "I don't want to herm--harm victims. . . " apparently thinking of Herman Cain or fried rice.

Proving that her mouth works at least a half second before her brain, she said, "So we're just say to, we're just saying to the Speaker, 'Give us a vote, just give us a vote.'"

Hopefully Pelosi will retire. She needs to do it before she herms her Democratic purity.

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