Monday, March 5, 2018

Maxine Waters wants white folks to pay black folks reparation

If Democrats win the House in this year's midterms, crazy Maxine Waters promises that white people will pay black people for being black people. It's called reparations but it doesn't repair anything, but it certainly does make everyone angry and divided.

And I suspect Waters has a plan to pocket some of those nice reparations all for herself. After all, she had been named  one of the most corrupt members of Congress by  Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

Waters appeared in Selma, Alabama on Saturday with CNN commie Angela Rye. She attacked President Trump, which is her main political platform, saying: "He's a bully--he has a bully mentality." Of course, she never gave specifics but that usually doesn't matter when you're preaching to the choir.

"We need someone in the presidency who not only has good sense, but understands diplomacy and understands what we need to do to have peace in this world so we can all look forward to the possibility that we're someday going to have a world that's about peace and justice and respect for individual liberty," she said, not mentioning how that can be done when the world still has North Korea, China, Russia, Iran and other dictatorships that would like to destroy us.

Comrade Rye asked the raving lunatic "Is that your stump speech for 2020?" 

Waters giggled like a little confused child as the crowd applauded. Rye went on, "Is she running? Is she running?"

Oh, I hope so, but Waters didn't answer due to a low hearing aide battery, perhaps.

The an attendee pushed Waters to call for reparations and take up a bill John Conyers sponsored in this House previously.

Waters said she would call for reparations. "I'd be happy to do that. That's no problem," she shouted through her dentures.

"In order to get where we need to go on this issue and other issues, we really got to understand that 2018 is important in taking back the House and taking back the Senate," she said, adding, "And of course, we've got to get the White House back."

She ended her bloviating by criticizing HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson. She told the crazed audience that she was going to "take care" of him, which sounds either like a threat or a sexual innuendo.

Hopefully for Dr. Carson's sake, it's the former.

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