Saturday, January 13, 2018

Chelsea Manning files to run for Senate--seriously

Raising his hands to smell his fingers
Chelsea Manning, a transgender woman (that means she's a man) and former Army intelligence analyst who was convicted of giving away over 700,000 classified documents to WikiLeaks, has filed to run for the U.S. Senate for the state of Maryland.

If he wins, he will be the first Senator with a penis to call himself a woman, and the first senator convicted of a treasonous act who served only 7 years in prison on a 35-year sentence. 

Obama commuted his sentence because he too thinks America deserved what Manning did.

Manning, a flaming Democrat, will run for the seat of Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin. He should fit right in with the Democratic Party based on the heroism they attribute to being a transgender person and exposing nasty information about the USA to the public.

Manning, like Robert De Niro and many on the left, likes colorful language. He tweeted out the message "f**k the police" on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day along with the hashtag #DisarmThePolice.

Manning is opposed to law enforcement just as he's opposed to law and order. To prove his improper use of the word "literally," the grammatically challenged transgender person referred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement as "literally the new gestapo."

Manning is literally a stupid man who possibly hopes to have his penis removed some day and have the taxpayers foot the bill.

He would make a great Democratic senator . . . as Democratic senators go.

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