Sunday, December 24, 2017

Turkey's Erdogan expects US to do what he says

Erdogan smelling his own breath
Ankara -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Yippy Kayyay Erdogan believes he can boss the U.S. around and had the audacity of dope to say, "We expect the Trump administration to rescind without further delay its unfortunate decision." He's referring to the plans for the U.S. to move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the ancient capital of Israel.

Trump responded "When Erdogan moves his presidential palace where I tell him to (and I doubt it's going to fit) then I'll move it."

Okay, Trump didn't really say that, but I bet he thought it.

Trump knew he was going to have to stand up to this kind of crap when he first made good on his promise to the American people to move the embassy to the Israel capital, Jerusalem. 

Others came before his presidency with the same vow, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, but they all backed away from their words while Trump made good on his.

If Trump backs down on this, he might as well go riding off into the sunset. 

But he won't back down, I'm pretty certain of this. He will show the rest of the world that intimidation doesn't work on us anymore. They had Trump confused with Obama, the apologist for the Islamic world, and the weakling who led from behind--a fitting oxymoron for his failed leadership.

Erdogan called on UN member states not to be swayed by Trump's threat to cut funding for those nations that backed the motion at the UN General Assembly.

Erdogan said, "I am calling on the whole world: never sell your democratic will in return for petty dollars." But in Turkey and in Islamic theocracies, there is no democratic will, only the will of the leaders.

Screw Erdogan and his minions. Screw the UNGA, the most anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic group of people to sit in the same room. 

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