Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Toilet humorist Sarah Silverman calls patriotism 'perverted'

Toilet-centric comedian Sarah "Doody, I Said Doody" Silverman ended her variety series "I Love You America," in which she pretends to try finding common ground with the ordinary folk who have differing political opinions and who actually do love America.

Now she's trying to understand what the experience has taught her with issues such as patriotism and religion in America.

Speaking to Vice, the scatological 47-year-old dealt with many topics on the 10-episode schtick on Hulu. She believes it gave her deep, special insight into the country but after hearing her responses to questions posed to her by Vice, she obviously allowed her leftist predilections inform her thoughts.

"The right has perverted the meaning of being liberal, or being feminist," she pontificated. "Even 'social justice warrior' is an insult. We pervert language so much. Patriotism has always been a bot owned by the right."

As "right to choose" instead of "abortion" has been owned by the left.

"Patriotism is perverted. We're not on the same page of what it means. To me, being patriotic is loving your country--being a citizen, having a voice, being e pluribus unum. How perverted it is to go from 'We are one' to 'We are number one,' which is such a childish idea," she bloviated. She put President Trump into the childish category.

Silverman believes that e pluribus unum means 'We are one,' and tried to sound intelligent. But of course, even we 'patriots' know that it means 'Out of man, one.' That's the motto of the United States and Silverman got it wrong.

Pretending to be smarter than you are is great for job interviews, but it kind of signifies an immature need to sound smart--that's kind of childish in and of itself.

Then the not very funny comedian accused Trump of stopping his emotional growth at eight years of age, and I don't know where the evidence is for that developmental analysis. Maybe she took Psych 101, I don't know, but I'm going to 'Wiki' her butt now . . . well, it says she graduated from the Derryfield School in Manchester, NH and attended New York University for a year but did not graduate. Instead, she performed stand-up comedy in Greenwich Village.

So it looks like she didn't take many psychology courses. But, on the other hand, she did win a Creative Arts Emmy Award on September 13, 2008 f9r writing the song "I'm F**king Matt Damon." Now we know that her emotional growth is right up there with Gandhi and Bret Baier.

In terms of her "thoughts" on religion, she argued that the right paints American Muslims with a broad brush while the left does the same with Christianity.

I don't completely disagree.

The right clearly does paint Islam with a broad brush because many on the right actually have read Islamic scripture and know more about the religion than the low-information folks on the left. There are those on the right who paint Muslims with a broad brush, but with what's going on in the world, it's somewhat understandable. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. That's simply the truth.

And yes, the left tends to see all Christians as 'born again' people waiting for the second coming. That's actually quite a small number of people but the left doesn't care about that fact because it suits them to pigeon-hole Christians.

"Like patriotism, religion can be sometimes used as a weapon, or to support someone's own narrative or fears and prejudices. These Christian-fringe, Roy Moor, do-what-I-say-not-what-I-do people--they're not very Jesus-like. I see them as fringe the way I see ISIS as fringe," she said. "But when we look at the fringe as a whole, it's dangerous That's why there's the Muslim ban . . . "

I understand why liberals call it a 'Muslim ban' because Trump screwed up, like he often does when he tweets and/or speaks off script. He did, at one time, call it as such, but the truth is, the countries he selected for the flight ban are the same ones Obama chose because they're terrorist-spawning countries.

The unfortunate truth is that Islamic countries are where the terrorists come from when they're not home-grown. Facts are stubborn things, and facts don't care how liberal you are.

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