Thursday, December 21, 2017

Ben Rhodes slammed for tweeting about GOP leaders' 'obits'

Ben Rhodes has an MFA in creative writing and he's the brother of David Rhodes, the president of CBS. There is an interesting article written last year about him in It should tell you a lot of what you need to know about this guy.

Rhodes a former Obama adviser and aspiring novelist (writing for Obama gave him lots of practice) was awakened to a boat-load of condemnation from people who found it disgusting and distasteful that he joked about "obits" for top Republican leaders. 

But he has an excuse: he's a schmuck.

The Rhodes tweet made reference to a photo posted of President Trump's Instagram account showing him, Vice President Pence, House Speaker Ryan, and Senate Majority Leader McConnell smiling and evidently celebrating the passage of the GOP tax reform bill.

Dan Pfeiffer, another Obama adviser, first tweeted of the photo: "I hope this is the photo they use on the front page of the Times on the day Trump is indicted."

Rhodes followed up seven minutes later:
"And alongside the obits for Ryan, McConnell, and Pence."
Yes, that scum-crumpet Rhodes actually wished for the deaths of Republican leaders. 

He may have possibly meant their political obituaries, a common term used in Washington, but without making it clear, we can assume the former based on the wording.

Paul Ryan's press secretary, AshLee Strong fired back:
"Really? Obits? Irresponsible and dangerous tweet. Hope you see fit to delete this."
She was being too kind, albeit a consummate professional in the way she handled Rhodes.

Then Rep. Steve Scalise )R.-La.) the congressman seriously wounded in the shooting at the Republican congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Va., last June tweeted:
"You may want to reconsider your rhetoric." 
Sick responses from the masses followed. One schmuck buckler wished that Ryan "dies" and another of sadistically sick thinking wished for an "excruciating, torturous death in public so we can all watch and cheer."

Strong responded, again with thought and insight tweeting: 
"And if you have any doubts about what rhetoric like @brhodes' inspires, just look at the responses here.

Ben Rhodes is truly a disgusting person and diminishes all he has served.

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