Tuesday, January 17, 2017

SHOCKING: Ads offer protesters up to $2,500 to agitate Trump inaugural

If you're looking for work you might want to wait for the next president to start the wheels on the economy bus rolling again, or you could just sign up for a temporary position as a paid next president agitator as Donald Trump is just days away from being sworn in.

In more than 20 cities job ads are offering $2,500 per month for agitators to demonstrate at this week's inaugural events. It doesn't get any more desperate than that, nor can anyone else claim to be as big a bunch of sore loser leftists than the Democrats after this election.

Demand Protest, a San Francisco capitalist company that calls itself the "largest private grassroots support organization in the United States," posted identical ads January 12 in multiple cities on Backpage.com saying they are seeking "operatives."

What they are seeking are gender studies majors and the like, living in their mom's basement, who are willing to shower just this once to make an anti-American, anti-Trump political statement. "Get paid fighting against Trump!" the ad says. 

Imagine if they were asked to get paid fighting for our country.

It goes on to say: "We pay people already politically motivate to fight for the things they believe. You were going to take action anyways, why not do so with us!" the ad ungrammatically continues. "We are currently seeking operatives to help send a strong message at upcoming inauguration protests."

Signed, Barack Hussein Obama.

Just kidding . . . sort of.

The job offers a $2,500 monthly retainer plus "our standard per-event pay of $50/hr, as long as you participate in at least 6 events a year," as well as health, vision and dental insurance for full-time operatives.

Trump saw this coming a long time ago and complained about paid scumcrumpets both before and after the presidential campaign. But as you may imagine, nobody is admitted to the hired help.

For example, on Nov. 17th the Washington Post's "The Fix" wrote "There's simply no credible evidence that the opposition to Trump is spurred by anything other than legitimate concern about what his presidency might entail."


The opposition to Trump is coming from people having to get paid to stand out in the cold to do their "operative" thing. You don't run Demand Post ads in at least 24 cities including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas and Houston-the cost is too high for a simple ruse.

The Washington Times phoned the Demand Post using the number listed on their website and the call was answered with a voice mail identifying the company by name. And the website brags that they have provided 1,817 operatives for 48 campaigns, promises "deniability," assuring their clients that "we can ensure that all actions will appear genuine to media and public observers."

"We are strategists mobilizing millennials across the globe with seeded audiences and desirable messages," the website says, but actually meaning that they are capitalists mobilizing jobless people who are low-information socialists and communists to protest capitalism and free democracy throughout the globe.

It goes on: "With absolute discretion a top priority, our operatives create convincing scences that become the building blocks of massive movements. When you need the appearance of outrage, we are able to deliver it at scale while keeping your reputation intact."

In other words, they are paid actors playing a fake role to support your anarchy or socialist agenda.

The Washington Times also discovered that Backpage.com ads also ran in Austin, Charlotte, Colorado Springs, Columbus, Denver, Detroit, El Paso, Fort Worth, Jacksonville, Seattle, Tulsa, and Washington, D.C.

Maybe there's a mental connection with leftist Hollywood actors and these wannabe actors, but who cares?

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