Sunday, October 2, 2016

Makeshift lab on K Street and HIllary's emails

"It's alive! It's alive!" You can almost hear IT specialist  Bryan Pagliano screaming that from the confines of the K Street office where he went to all ends of the earth to create a Hillary Clinton computer.

Documents were released Friday evening indicating that Pagliano worked to design and build the illegal server that was once used as part of her campaign headquarters. The Fifth Amendment wonder also used computer parts from Hillary's failed 2008 presidential bid--he was an IT specialist for her then as well.

Information on Clinton's server was made clear based on witness interviews known as 302s. The information within them was highly redacted by the FBI but include details Pagliano revealed in an interview on June 24th with the bureau.

Pagliano said that Clinton Foundation aide Justin Cooper asked him to build the server "in the fall of 2008" and the work was completed in early 2009.

Once completed in a makeshift lab on K Street, Pagliano said he "rented a minivan and drove to Chappaqua, New York to install the email server in the Clinton residence.

Both Pagliano and Cooper were interviewed separately by Comey's comrades five times while Clinton was the impotent secretary of state.

Pagliano's first interview was on December 22, 2015 and again on June 21, 2016. Cooper was interviewed once in 2015 and twice in 2016. He also appeared before Congress. 

Pagliano and four others received limited immunity, but he took the Fifth and refused to testify before Congress. He told the FBI that "he could not recall any existing computer systems at the Chappaqua residence other than the Apple server described previously by the FBI."

Although he joined Clinton in the State Department as an IT employee, he continued to work on her home brew illegal server. He insisted, however, that he "believed the email server he was building would be used for private email exchange with Bill Clinton aides."

Why the FBI granted immunity to all five involved with the email scandal and the server is beyond comprehension. It's like a game of tag where nobody is "It," as someone whose name I can't recall, described it.

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