Saturday, October 1, 2016

And the beat drones on

Iran's Revolutionary Guard (aka Shi'ite jihadists) unveiled a new attack drone that curiously looks a lot like the one they captured from us about five years ago. Like ours, this drone is capable of carrying bombs, their state media claims.

They named the drone the "Saegheh" or Thunderbolt, after a roller coaster ride at Iran's Revolutionary Guard Amusement Park. It is merely one of the latest military achievements by the Revolutionary Guard. The other achievement is the "Muhammad Slicer-Dicer," a sword so sharp it can behead an infidel before you can say, "Put your dolls away, Ayisha, and come here to Poppa."

"This long-range drone is capable of hitting four targets with smart precision-guided bombs with high accuracy," Amir Ali Hajizadeh said. He is the head of the aerospace arm of the Revolutionary Guard and hates America almost as much as he hates Israel and her Jews.

The secret's in the wood
The big question now is, just which four targets would Iran pick to attack with the Saegheh? The U.S. and Israel go without saying, but the other two are anybody's guess. I'd say Iraq and and the Syrian rebels, or maybe  

The semi-literate Tasnim news agency said the drone is a lot like the RQ-170 Sentinel spy drone used by the U.S. The RQ-170 is also a lot like the LSMFT-451 and the THDQ-990, both of which are so classified, I had to make up the model designations.

Military officials did not demonstrate the drone in action because, like Donald Trump's plan to destroy ISIS, it's a secret.

Iran bragged that in 2011 it shot down the RQ-170 drone used by our CIA, and it broadcasted video of the recovered unmanned craft. It also bragged about capturing 3 American ScanEagle drones. And last year they claimed to have successfully tested a replica of the RQ-170.

On Saturday, Tasnim published photos of what they claimed was a U.S.-made MQ-1C drone, similar to the top secret LSMFT-451 but has more fire capability. Of course, Iran refused to say when and how the drone was captured, citing Donald Trump's strategy on ISIS once again.

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