Saturday, June 25, 2016

Brexit liberals: sore losers wanting a do-over

Thursday's UK referendum on their membership in the European Union (EU) blew a lot of minds. They voted to leave the EU by a slim margin of 1.2 million votes of the 33 million that were cast. 

Voters in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Gibraltar voted to "Leave" and get back to their British roots, as it were.

But the losing side (not the side Donald Trump lauded) are sore losers, having signed an 'easier-than-going-to-the-polling-place-online-vote' for a "do-over" because things didn't go their way. One sore loser lawmaker actually said that Parliament should overturn the result because he wanted to stay. 

Had the vote gone the other way, this same lawmaker would scream that anyone who wanted to overturn the results (that he wanted) should be forced to resign as he or she refused to obey the democratic process "that is the very backbone of our great nation."

Not so ironically, those who wanted to "Remain" tended to be young liberals. Unfortunately for them, many preferred to remain in their parents' basement rather than partake in the voting process.

The results revealed another interesting fact as well. 

In heavily populated areas with large Muslim enclaves, the vote was largely to "Remain." London and Scotland (particularly Glasgow with its large Muslim population) voted overwhelmingly to "Remain."

Perhaps that's why London is often called "Londonistan."

The sore loser petition had 2,374,547 signatures proposing a new "rule" stating that if the "Remain" or "Leave" camps won less than 60 percent of the vote with less than 75 percent turnout "there should be another referendum."

This "rule" is particularly aimed at liberals who thought they were going to win and now realize that they actually have to get off their duffs and vote. Had the petition required them to go to a polling place, the same result would have likely resulted.

Whoever said liberals aren't lazy?

It just so happens that the referendum vote was the largest turnout since 1992 at 72 percent, proving once again that liberals can't handle responsibility and need to depend upon the government.

Since 2001, the highest voter turnout in a general election has been only 61 percent, but liberals pretend that 75 percent is a normal figure.

Where is democracy when you really need it?

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