Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Senate unanimously approves bill for 9/11 families of victims; Obama and Saudis upset

Lest we forget
Maybe the Senate is growing a pair. They approved legislation that will allow families of the 9/11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, a place where Sean Hannity constantly reminds his viewers where women aren't allowed to drive or leave the house without a male family member as a chaperone.

The White House has threatened to veto the bill because President Obama will stand with Islam if things get ugly. And Saudi Arabia has threatened economic retaliation if we sue.

A voice vote in the Senate approved the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which had bipartisan sponsors, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and John Cornyn (R-TX). They are now calling on the House to also grow a pair and follow suit.

"It's up to the House," said Cornyn. He was adamant that the bill wouldn't hurt our relationship with the country that forbids Christians to bring along their Bible when they visit, nor allow Jews to enter the country because the Saudis are anti-Semitic and, like Obama, they hate Israel.

Schumer said that any foreign government that aids terrorists strike at us "will pay a price if it is proven they have done so."

Evidently, evidence has shown they have done so.

The Saudi government threatens to pull billions of dollars for our economy if the plan is enacted, but that might boomerang on them if Obama doesn't get in the way of our becoming totally oil independent and also work with our allies north of the border.

Family members of the 9/11 victims have urged Obama to declassify and release the U.S. intelligence that discusses Saudi involvement, but Obama would rather bow to a Saudi king than to the wishes of Americans.

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