Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Socialist -1, Liar -1 in Kentucky-Oregon primaries

"Socialist Powah!"
Hillary Clinton spiked the football, danced in the end-zone, shouted to the world, "I won! I won!" but the play is up for review . . . well, unless Bernie Sanders asks for a recount, that is . . . which he won't because he doesn't know how to fight.

Hillary squeaked past Bernie in Kentucky with a majority of votes that was slightly more than the average number of people on the roof of a bus in New Delhi. She got 46.8%a to Bernie's 46.3% which is about 1,900 extra votes of the total 423,000 in the state.

But Bernie is like that rash that just won't go away and it's beginning to worry Hillary. She is going to win the nomination because yes, the fix is in, but she looks feeble as a candidate and is annoying as an itch when she yells her patented speeches to her loyal "feminist" followers.

"Oy say to the leadahship of the Democratic Party, open the daws, let the people in," Bernie said in his thick Brooklyn accent, hoping to change the rules to let him win the non-registered and illegal alien vote.

Sanders kicked Hillary's substantial butt in Oregon, which Hillary forgot to tweet about, although she remembered to tweet about her Kentucky "win." (It's still too close to call.)

"We just won Aregon, and we're going to win Califawnia," the Vermont socialist 74-year-old said to a crowd of Economics 101 dropouts. He vowed to "take our fight" to July's Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

The Sanders' win was his 21st in the election cycle and his 11th in the last 17 primary contests. It is rumored that Hillary is fuming and is considering hiring someone to "take care" of "the old fart."

The AP tally reports that both candidates received 27 of the 55 Democratic delegates and one delegate is to be given to the statewide winner. In Oregon, Sanders won at least 28 of the 61 Democratic delegates; Clinton won at least 24 and there are 9 delegates still outstanding.

The totals now stand with Clinton at 2,291; Sanders at 1,528. In order to clinch the nomination, Hillary must get a total of 2.383, and the way the nomination process is rigged, it's virtually a shoo-in for the Queen of Benghazi. 

Donald Trump is champing at the bit.

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