Sunday, May 22, 2016

ISIS tells India convert, pay up, or die

Imitating Obama's shahada finger-point
The Islamic State has warned India that "It is strictly prohibited to worship anyone except Allah. These Kafirs [non-believers] worship cow, sun, and moon. There is strict prohibition to maintain ties with those who are against Allah. Either accept Islam, pay Jizya (a medieval tax for non-believers of Islam) or prepared [sic] to be slaughtered. If the Indians claim themselves to be smart and intelligent, spending immense amounts of money in researching and trying to find out what we really want. Then I would like to let them know, that they have three options and they can choose one, they either accept Islam, pay jizya and be prepared to be slaughtered."

First of all, the jizya in not a medieval tax, it's a Qur'anic tax for all non-believers in Islam, especially for the Jews and Christians, known in the Qur'an as the "People of the Book." While this was intended originally for them, the Hindus are now cheerfully included in the Islamic carnage or pay off that would be inflicted upon them by the religion of peace.

Sura 9:29 says "Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not practice the religion of truth, even if they are of the People of the Book--until they pay the jizy with willing submission and feel themselves subdued."

Indian Muslim jihadists are talking about avenging the Babri Mosque destruction and the alleged Muslim killings across India. I would predict that heads will roll, but that goes without saying. 

Doesn't Islam remind you of organized crime? If not, what are the differences?

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