Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Anti-Trump anarchists only strengthen Trump

If you started out not supporting Donald Trump, the angry mobs, the anarchists, the American flag burners ought to inform you as to his enemies. That should be enough information to support Trump, because the enemies of the Donald are clearly the enemies of the United States. 

An angry crap load of anarchists caused mayhem at the Trump rally on Tuesday in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It should have made any patriotic Americans feel sad as it put a smile on the faces of Hillary, Bernie and the leftists who hate this country.

The gang of anarchists composed of paid anti-Trump goons waved the Mexiacan flag and burned the American flag. 

Shouts of "Viva Mexico" were reported by the Albuquerque Journal. But none of the pant-loads actually live in Mexico--they live in a country that allows them to burn the flag and say whatever they want, as long as it doesn't insult Islam, gays or gender-confused folks.

And why aren't they living in Mexico if they love it so much?

The dickweeds tried to storm the auditorium and clashed with police, hurling bottles and rocks and harassed vendors outside the auditorium selling Trump tee shirts and hats. In other words, people with jobs trying to make an honest living.

The rioters targeted police horses and knocked one down. They even threw burning tee shirts at other horses. 

According to the AP, only one protester was arrested. Amazing. The cops had to have been told to keep a low profile and let the pissants protest.

So it's okay to shut down free speech in our country. The Constitution doesn't matter anymore?

We have a so-called president to thank for making us as exceptional as a Third World nation.

How dare Obama tell us "that's not who we are" when it fits his agenda, an agenda that tends to defy our laws, our Constitution. 

There can be no question what these anti-Trump, anti-Constitution jerks stand for, and they clearly make me want to vote for Donald Trump.

Just wait and see how Clinton and Sanders speak out against Trump, as if he caused the riots, rather than speaking out against the riots that stifle free speech.

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