Saturday, April 9, 2016

Do what she says, not what she does

Uber liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor believes the Supreme Court needs fewer Ivy league school graduates, fewer Jews and fewer Catholics to fill the vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia. But as a Catholic and Yale Law School graduate herself, she refuses to step down and make her wide chair available in order to practice what she's preaching.

"I . . . think there is a disadvantage from having (five) Catholics, three Jews, everyone from an Ivy League school," the Latina said at Brooklyn Law School on Friday. But she did not mention the Chicagoan, Merrick Garland, who also went to Harvard Law School and is Jewish. 

Garland was recently nominated for the Supreme Court by lame duck president Barack Obama but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he won't hold nomination hearings with a lame duck Obama in the White House. 

Instead, McConnell is taking Joe Biden's sage advice when as a Senator, George W. Bush had a full year and a half to go as president and with the possibility of an empty seat on the Court made his famous suggestion to G.W. (see video).

Sotomayor told the law school audience that several of the justices are from the Big Apple and don't have criminal defense law outside white-collar settings. She believes that in order to be a good judge of whether what politicians are doing is legal, it's best to work with street scumbags as their council before working with politicians. 

The logic is incontrovertible. 

Regarding the Garland nomination, Obama argues that he has a constitutional obligation to submit a nominee to Congress, but as president and commander in chief, he has no constitutional obligation to follow the uh, Constitution when his ideas are better.

Some liberal groups, using liberal logic, would like to see an all female Supreme Court because, after all, "'The Supremes' were all women and they sang real good."

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