Monday, March 28, 2016

Will Hill Stay or Will Hill Go

The question is on the minds of Democrats from all over the country: will Hillary Clinton have to go to prison for violating the Espionage Act, or will she be able to pardon herself as POTUS?

Okay, so that isn't really the question Democrats ask. They want to know why conservatives think that Hillary isn't special and deserves to be president. After all, look at all those accomplishment-miles she traveled as Secretary of State--it didn't matter that nothing much was actually gained by it.

Federal prosecutors are expecting to attempt interviewing the former First Lady of the Sexual Predator in order to hear her lie about the classified emails on her private server. They also want to know how her staff were involved with those emails. 

In other words, prosecutors want to know if Clinton's aides were privy to her password (which was "HumaDoobieDoo") in order to access the emails and act as her private secretary by answering them.

The efforts to get her pear-shaped pantsuit into the interview by the Feds may take a few weeks to become reality as Hillary is an expert at ducking process servers, nor is she adverse to "making the problem disappear," if you know what I mean.

In any case, this may be the final part of the investigation but it will likely go on and on right through the primary season pitting an aged socialist who worked in the pornography business against a felon for the Democrats. 

The GOP will be pitting a billionaire middle-aged egotist against a devout Constitutionalist who nobody in the Senate likes, and a stoop-shouldered RINO who makes people nervous with his karate chops when he speaks about his accomplishments and refuses to mention his liberal views on the Second Amendment, Common Core and national security.

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