Monday, March 28, 2016

Palestinians make hypocrisy look easy

Jerusalem, Israel -- The Palestinian Authority (PA) has requested the United Nations begin an investigation into alleged not legally authorized killings by Israel. The term "extrajudicial" is the operant word here, because Israel does not follow Sharia. 

Under Sharia law, or Islamic law, Palestinians are allowed to kill Israelis (read: Jews). 

How do I know? The Koran tells them so. 

Here's the story: Last week, an Israeli soldier killed a Palestinian terrorist (who, prior to the incident, had attacked Israelis) as he lay wounded on the ground). There is video evidence of the incident. The Israeli soldier appears to have killed the terrorist in cold blood and therefore needs to be put on trial for what clearly appears to be a crime.

He is also the exception to the way Israel behaves toward the Palestinians--they are remarkable in their efforts to avoid killing innocent non-combatants. However, Palestinians see no Israelis as innocent, including children. This is why they fire rockets at school buses and into Jewish neighborhoods, hoping to kill a Jew.

Saeb Erekat, a Palestinian official, claims that past Israeli investigations have failed to "serve justice" and says that Israel has been "rewarded with impunity." Most anti-Semitic neo Nazis agree, but do facts support the claim?
AL. Democrat Gov.George Wallace

Can an "Islamic-heavy" United Nations even be thought of as impartial body in adjudicating alleged Israeli war crimes? How different is that from a Jim Crow court in a George Wallace, Bull Connor, Alabama?

Remember, the PA is in bed with Hamas (don't vomit) and that terrorist organization offers absolutely no human rights to its people. In fact, they often use women and children as human shields because they know the Israelis won't shoot at them. There's video of that too.

So we can observe how a theocratic tyranny [Hamas] maligns a liberal Israeli democracy. Palestinians have more human rights in Israel than they do in so-called Palestine. And worse, we see how the UN community can rig the system for the Arabs do destroy Israel and they can feel guiltless and pat each other on the back.

Islamic law (Sharia) frees Hamas and other terrorist groups from the obligation of abiding by international standards which they demonize as "Christian," or "Western" and thus are considered by them to be "Satanic." 

A United Nations official report in 2009 stated that a systematic and deliberate targeting of civilians violates International Humanitarian Law which is considered to be a war crime. This is just one of several such reports.

So clearly, Hamas, which is sanctioned by the PA, is guilty of war crimes many times over, and this Israeli soldier is equally as guilty. But the shooting came about after a six-month wave of Palestinian initiated attacks that have killed 28 Israelis and 2 Americans. In the same period of time, 188 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli self-defense measures, either by jihadists attacking civilians or by Israeli forces.

The Palestinians claim that attacking Israeli civilians is justified, but not when Israel does the same because Israel doesn't have Sharia law on its side.

Sharia allows Muslims to "Kill them wherever you find them, and lay in ambush . . . "

Read all about it in the Koran, their so-called "Holy" book.

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