Thursday, March 24, 2016

Why Kasich is wrong about terrorism

The human ego knows no bounds with some people. With politicians, it's almost a rule of thumb (I almost wrote "trump"). But with John "Karate Chop" Kasich, it's an annoying fact.

There exists no avenue to victory for Kasich to win the GOP nomination outright, and if somehow the GOP believes they should nominate him rather than Trump or Cruz, the party will implode. 

Since the Brussels attack that killed 31 and injured over 250 others, Kasich has lectured us and cautioned against monitoring Muslim-Americans. He said that doing so would create division and harm our ability to gather intelligence.

What intelligence was he referring to? How many mosque attenders have provided authorities with intel about future Islamic terror attacks? On the contrary, mosques tend to be breeding nests for terrorists, not sources of information to defeat them.

Kasich spoke after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) his GOP campaign rival called for law enforcement to "patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized."

Kasich naively claimed that "We are not at war with Islam; we are at war with radical Islam." This is the defeated cry of the left and it indicates how little he and his ilk know about Islam.

Kasich said, " . . . in our country, we don't want to create divisions where we say, 'O.K., well your religion, you're a Muslim, so therefore we're going to keep an eye on you." He added that "the last thing we need is more polarization."

Actually, the last thing we need is to pretend the problem exists with people who misunderstand Islam. If Mohammad were alive today, he'd be the head of ISIS because he would be following the prescriptions of the Koran that he wrote.

Jihad isn't an aberration of Islam; it is orthodox Islam.

Kasich obviously hasn't read the 3 main scriptures of the religion of peace.

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