Donald Trump changes his opinions more often than a chameleon changes its cable carrier. When asked about his opinion on bringing in skilled foreign labor for example, his opinion seems to depend upon which TV network the interview is being conducted.
He admits he changed his mind on this issue when questioned at the debate, but you have to wonder if he would have revealed his change of mind if he wasn't asked what his new opinion happens to be.
By the way, politicians call it evolving when they do it, and flip-flopping when others do it.
The Donald even changes the changes of his mind that he has made when he makes additional changes.
Let's look at some of these multiple changes.
On Obamacare:
In his June 16, 2015 campaign announcement, he wanted to get rid of Obamacare and "replace it with something much better."
July 29, 2015. On CNN Trump tells Bash, "I want to take care of everybody. You know, you have a group of people that aren't able to take care of themselves."
Bash: "How are you going to do that?"
Trump: "We're going to have to work out some kind of deal with hospitals where they can get some help, when they are sick, when they have no money and they are sick . . . "
Bash: "How do you do that though?"
Trump: "We're going to have to work out some kind of very, very smart deal with hospitals around the country."
In February 2016, Trump said he liked the mandate, now he wants to abolish it.
Last June 16, at his presidential campaign kickoff speech: "Within our military I will find the General Patton or I will find General MacArthur. I will find the right guy. I will find a guy that's going t take that military and make it really work."
Same interview on O'Reilly Bill asked, "Are you telling me you are going to send American ground troops into Syria?"
Trump's response was, "Im not telling you anything."
His secret was kept safe for several minutes until, "I will tell you what my plan will be--you have to go in. You have to go in."
O'Reilly then asked, "With ground troops?"
Trump: "Well, you bomb the hell out of them and then you encircle it, and then you go in."
And the interview went back and forth as Trump's opinions changed faster than a speeding bullet.
On immigration:
July 23, 2015. "The first thing we have to do is strengthen our borders. And after that, were' going to have plenty of time to talk about it."
July 24, 2015. "Work something out so the good ones can stay. If somebody's been outstanding, we try and work something out."
July 26, 2015. "We're going to do what's right; some are going to have to go. And some, we're just going to see what happens."
July 27, 2015. "But the good ones--of which there are many--I want to expedite it so they can come back in legally."
July 29, 2015. On a CNN interview with Dana Bash, she asks, "What about the 'Dreamers'? What about people who came here when they were children, they didn't know what they were doing, they came with their parents who brought them here illegally? Should they have to leave too?"
Trump responded: "They're with their parents? It depends."
On Meet the Press, Sunday, Chuck Todd discussing the 'Dreamers' asked, "You're going to kick them out?"
Trump: "They have to go."
In the March GOP debate, Trump said he would have the military commit war crimes. Specifically, the crimes in question have to do with killing the families of terrorists, and use interrogation techniques like waterboarding and worse.
Trump: "They're not going to refuse me. If I say do it, they're going to do it."
He has since changed his opinion on this.
What I believe we're seeing is a candidate who knows what to say to the audience in front of him but knows little about the Constitution and the law. If Trump is evolving, then he's too much of a neophyte to be running the nation.
If he has a hidden agenda beyond serving his ego needs, than is he any better than a Barack Obama?
Still, if Trump won the GOP nomination, I would vote for him in a heartbeat. When George Burns, in his 90s was asked how it felt to be old, he said something like, "I prefer this to the alternative."
George also said, "When I was young, the Dead Sea was only sick."
I am thinking of the alternative.
He admits he changed his mind on this issue when questioned at the debate, but you have to wonder if he would have revealed his change of mind if he wasn't asked what his new opinion happens to be.
By the way, politicians call it evolving when they do it, and flip-flopping when others do it.
The Donald even changes the changes of his mind that he has made when he makes additional changes.
Let's look at some of these multiple changes.
On Obamacare:
In his June 16, 2015 campaign announcement, he wanted to get rid of Obamacare and "replace it with something much better."
July 29, 2015. On CNN Trump tells Bash, "I want to take care of everybody. You know, you have a group of people that aren't able to take care of themselves."
Bash: "How are you going to do that?"
Trump: "We're going to have to work out some kind of deal with hospitals where they can get some help, when they are sick, when they have no money and they are sick . . . "
Bash: "How do you do that though?"
Trump: "We're going to have to work out some kind of very, very smart deal with hospitals around the country."
In February 2016, Trump said he liked the mandate, now he wants to abolish it.
Last June 16, at his presidential campaign kickoff speech: "Within our military I will find the General Patton or I will find General MacArthur. I will find the right guy. I will find a guy that's going t take that military and make it really work."
Same interview on O'Reilly Bill asked, "Are you telling me you are going to send American ground troops into Syria?"
Trump's response was, "Im not telling you anything."
His secret was kept safe for several minutes until, "I will tell you what my plan will be--you have to go in. You have to go in."
O'Reilly then asked, "With ground troops?"
Trump: "Well, you bomb the hell out of them and then you encircle it, and then you go in."
And the interview went back and forth as Trump's opinions changed faster than a speeding bullet.
On immigration:
July 23, 2015. "The first thing we have to do is strengthen our borders. And after that, were' going to have plenty of time to talk about it."
July 24, 2015. "Work something out so the good ones can stay. If somebody's been outstanding, we try and work something out."
July 26, 2015. "We're going to do what's right; some are going to have to go. And some, we're just going to see what happens."
July 27, 2015. "But the good ones--of which there are many--I want to expedite it so they can come back in legally."
July 29, 2015. On a CNN interview with Dana Bash, she asks, "What about the 'Dreamers'? What about people who came here when they were children, they didn't know what they were doing, they came with their parents who brought them here illegally? Should they have to leave too?"
Trump responded: "They're with their parents? It depends."
On Meet the Press, Sunday, Chuck Todd discussing the 'Dreamers' asked, "You're going to kick them out?"
Trump: "They have to go."
In the March GOP debate, Trump said he would have the military commit war crimes. Specifically, the crimes in question have to do with killing the families of terrorists, and use interrogation techniques like waterboarding and worse.
Trump: "They're not going to refuse me. If I say do it, they're going to do it."
He has since changed his opinion on this.
What I believe we're seeing is a candidate who knows what to say to the audience in front of him but knows little about the Constitution and the law. If Trump is evolving, then he's too much of a neophyte to be running the nation.

Still, if Trump won the GOP nomination, I would vote for him in a heartbeat. When George Burns, in his 90s was asked how it felt to be old, he said something like, "I prefer this to the alternative."
George also said, "When I was young, the Dead Sea was only sick."
I am thinking of the alternative.
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