Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hey FBI, what kind of 'extremism' do you mean?

The FBI has a website entitled "Don't Be a Puppet." It's supposed to counter extremism, which is just another way of saying "terrorism."

When you hear the word "terrorism," what comes to mind?

Exactly so, Islamic terrorism.

The most efficient way a terrorist can do damage to a more powerful enemy is to do it when they're not looking. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood arm, is doing just that--they want us to look the other way and pretend the terrorists can be just about anyone but them.

So the FBI, under the direction of James Comey, changed the "Don't Be a Puppet" website after CAIR pressured them. Comey folded on that, what makes anyone think he will not fold on prosecuting the case against Hillary Clinton?

But I digress.

The new website is now stripped of all references to Islamist extremism or even the mention of Islam.

The site attempts to deconstruct the motivating factors that lead young people to extremism and it's aimed at high schools and other teens. 

"Don't Be a Puppet" does for combatting terrorism what aspirins do for combatting cancer.

Originally planned to be launched last November, CAIR criticized the fact that it mentioned the number one perpetrators of terrorism. They said it may stigmatize and increase bullying of Muslim students.

Never mind that there is no actual data to even mildly suggest that Muslim students are bullied or stigmatized, but there sure as hell lots of data to suggest that this is happening to Jewish students and adults across the country, and it has become acceptable on many campuses that spout anti-Semitic garbage.

There I go digressing again.

The site was put on hold last month to the joy of Islamic extremists everywhere, but especially in North America.

Somehow it makes sense to the FBI that a site targeting the specific roots of Islamic extremism and tackles its ideology, should have anything to do with Muslim students being bullied. In fact, if the site properly explains the differences between the religion itself from its political ideology of Islamism and the caliphate, there should be less fear of Muslims and less bullying as a result.

But CAIR doesn't want us to know that. They simply want us to believe their snake oil schtick that Islam is a religion of peace.

The new version of the site lists the types of extremism as the following:
1) White Supremacy Extremists 2) Environmental Extremists 3) Militia Extremists 4) Religious Extremists 5) Anarchist Extremists
The good news is CAIR may be banned from the U.S. after legislation has been put forth to ban the Muslim Brotherhood (Obama's favorite terrorist funders) and passed the House Judiciary Committee.

CAIR is listed as one of three US Muslim Brotherhood entities. 

CAIR had a large role in the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood's Palestinian Committee. Two of their founders were at a secret meeting back in 1993. The FBI had it wiretapped where the presenters of the meeting instructed the group to deceive Americans, saying that "War is deception."

We are fighting this war with blindfolds on and we have the power to remove it. Of all agencies, the FBI should know better and Comey needs to grow a pair.

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