Monday, March 14, 2016

UN Security Council meets to discuss Iran's bad behavior

The UN Security Council met with U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power Monday to talk about Iran's "provocative and destabilizing" launch last week of a long-range missile with Hebrew writing threatening the destruction of Israel. 

I wonder if perhaps George Soros helped Iran with the Hebrew. Although being Jewish, George Soros on Israel and Jews don't seem to get along very well. (For moron George Soros, go here.)

Lucky for us,  the Obama administration isn't a fan of Israel and the Jews either, so maybe we will not be going to war with Iran in the near future. We'll just have to wait until they develop a nuke and put it in a long-range missile . . . then we can cross our fingers--Iranians hate crosses.

The meeting on Iran was added to one that was already scheduled to discuss the latest Syrian situation. But the U.S. called the meeting because after the deal and the ending of sanctions that were in place, they promised not to pursue nuclear weapons, and by golly, they did, surprising nobody except Obama and his minions.

In a strong barrage of words, certain to bring regret to the Ayatollah and cessation of further nuclear ambitions, Samantha Power said: "We condemn such threats against another UN member-state and one of our closest allies."

It is unclear if Powers drew a red line as well.

Whether or not the missile tests actually violated the terms of the nuclear deal is not the point. What matters is how unabashedly clear the Iranian Shi'ite terrorists are about their intentions with Israel, and eventually with us. 

When Iran chants "Death to Israel!" and "Death to America," they honestly mean it with all their hearts. 

Maybe we should send all the anti-Semites to Iran to help them with their religious endeavors.

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