Saturday, March 12, 2016

The left rises again, because it floats

You can't swing a dead Australian gecko  without hitting a leftist swinging a fist, usually at a woman, or trying to over-scream a conservative. Some protesters are paid to start trouble, just ask George Soros, and some are just looking for something to do other than go to work.

The Trump rally in Chicago last night was no exception. Instead of it making "America great again," it made us look like a Third World nation. And the fact that we have a so-called president who didn't attend the funeral of the wife of a real president, makes the country look as divided as he wanted it to be. 

Obama is as shameful as he is incompetent.

It's just more proof that Obama hasn't a clue on how to be a real leader, much less a president. He never seems to do anything right because his political ideology gets in the way of good manners and propriety. If Nancy Reagan was a Democrat, you know Obama would have been there.

In fact, the hatred by progressives on social media, saying vile, disgusting things about Nancy Reagan, is enough to make a normal person, Democrat or Republican, feel depressed. The question remains, however, are there any "normal" Democrats anymore.

When I first heard about the Trump protests and rioting, I believed that either George Soros or the Black Lives Matter (BLM) haters were behind it. Then I learned that Breitbart News predicted that if either Cruz or Trump became the nominee, the BLM army and the organized Left would do whatever they could to shut them down. 

Sadly, Donald Trump was trumped by rioters and cancelled his rally. 

Conservatives need to recognize what the problem is--it isn't Trump or conservatives in general--it's the low information voters who haven't a clue about who are the organized Left. The GOP candidates need to unashamedly define them and educate voters that BLM will continue to intimidate until they are called out.

Therefore I blog.

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